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IT WAS now after the surfing tryouts and they all went to Ari's house to just have fun. Poppy came strolling over to the girls "have you guys heard anything? Like just name the state team already"

Natalie looked up as her eyes fell on Wren pushing pink haired boy "you were pushing me" Wren wines.

"Wait, I know that guy" The blond speaks up

"Wren's brother Baxter? He's a pyro so you guys should get along" Bodhi explains.

"Excuse me?" Natalie whips her head to look at Bodhi.

"Apparently after Nationals last year at Carvers bay, Baxter burnt didn't be Board-riders Clubhouse" Bodhi adds on as Natalie stared at Baxter him staring back.

"Yeah and he got kicked off the Queensland team and they moved down here" Poppy states as she placed her phone in her back pocket.

"Pretty rough for Wren" Bodhi says feeling sorry for Wren.

Natalie took her gaze off of Baxter "well he's super helpful". Honey then went on telling a story of when Wren had littered which all girls found entertaining.

Later that night they all gathered around the wood table outside while they watched Ari and Summer dancing when they were younger. Summer and Ari were finally talking without awkwardness, when everyone had gotten a text.

"Yes yes yes. Ari?" Wren asks with the hugest smile on her face.

"I'm in" Ari yells as he hugged Wren and twirled her around. Everyone had gotten in except Marlon. Well, Natalie assumed she didn't get in be side she hadn't gotten a text yet.

Beth walked over to her daughter who was watching everyone in excitement "You okay? You didn't get in?"

"I'm fine, and I did-" Natalie's phone went off so she pulled out her phone so fast. She got in. "Holy shit, I got in. Guys I got in"

"Yes. You deserve it" Summer says hugging her blond friend.

"Aye, they put the heat crashed in. That's sick" Baxter states bluntly with a small smile on his face as he picked up a cracker and popped it in his mouth.

"Congratulations Sweetie" Beth says hugging her daughter.

"Thank you mom" Natalie smiles into her moms shoulder before pulling away "I'm gonna go talk to my friends"

"Okay. Have fun" Beth waves as she made her way back into the house where Margot was at.

 Have fun" Beth waves as she made her way back into the house where Margot was at

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Summer Loving•Baxter RadicWhere stories live. Discover now