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HERE THEY were at the beach holding their surfboards as Natalie and Summer listened to Ari "check out old mate. At this break, the third wave of the sets usually the biggest, but if it's too big, it closes out. Right? So the wave after is the go"

Summer turned her body so she's facing Ari "s you gotta wait for the right wave"

"Exactly" Ari smiles as he looked down at the brunette.

"cause you would never just take the first good-looking wave that comes along" Summer states as she looked at the water and back at Ari.

"Well... sometimes you can wait too long for the perfect wave and it never comes. Let's get out of here" Ari tells both girls as he picked up his board and ran into the water both girls running after.

Ari, Summer and Natalie hadn't had alone time of just them since they were kids. And now they are, doing the thing they all love so much. Surfing. Natalie could feel the tension from Summer and Ari but she wasn't gonna say anything, I mean how could she? Ari is taken she can't start assuming they like each other still. Well, at least from Natalie knows, they dont. Right?

After a good hour of swimming they got out the water and walked together with their boards on their side. Summer and Ari were talking leaving Natalie to just listen which always happened.

Natalie walked away from them to place her board down somewhere away from people, she didn't like when people touched her board she had gotten it as a birthday gift from her dad and one month later he passed away from a car accident.

She walked over to where she saw everyone around Elo as she talked. Natalie stood next to Summer listening to Elo "listen, this is our last chance before Nationals to see some of your interstate rivals in action, yeah?"

"Yeah. Spoiler alert, they're better than you guys" Bax says making Natalie slightly jump since he had literally came out of nowhere.

"And not to mention all the big sponsors are here watching. So every comp, every heat, is an opportunity don't waste it" Elo finishes saying as the horn blew signaling it was time.

Griff, Bax, and Marlon and other boys got into the water and waited for the right waves. Bax took the first wave then another kid took the second one. Bax then took the third wave landing perfectly.

Natalie was watching away from people. She was sitting on a wooden railing, her surfboard next to her. The blond felt somebody sit down next to her so she looked to see a smiling pink haired boy.

"Goldilocks gave you surf session, did he?" Bax asks curiously which Natalie nodded her head head with a 'Mm-hm'.

"The thing is tho, you know, when you're out there waiting for the 'right wave', was it? Yeah, the other girls, they start putting up scores. Crickey, that was a seven-point ride for green! What a charger" Bax states as he stared at the girl as he jumped over the railing standing in front of the blond "they're all over you. They're hassling you".

Natalie stood up and tried to walk away but Bax moved so he was in front of her again as he continued with whatever he was saying "they're protecting their lead. They're putting the pressure on. Try picking the right wave then, Williams"

Natalie looked up making eye contact "you're mistaking me for someone who feels pressure"

"Right. Even though you'll be shipped back to the States if you lose? I mean, and your first heat is literally impossible. I mean, my younger sister, that freak from WA. At least let me loan you a decent board" Bax says as he grabbed her board twirling it.

Natalie grabbed her surfboard back "I don't accept gifts from questionable men"

"Come on. Don't be an anti-Baxxer" The boy says as he stepped closer to Natalie now practically towering over her.

Natalie let out a soft laugh as she looked up at the boy "Hilarious" the blond chuckles as she placed her hand on Bax's cheek and gave him a small tap when she walked past him.

Bax turned around touching the cheek Natalie had previously touched as he was smiling watching her walk away.

Natalie was now out in the water laying on her stomach as she waited for the perfect wave. Everytime a Wave would come she would start swimming towards it but would ditch it and continue to wait for a better wave.

Finally Natalie caught a wave standing up and started surfing. She kept landing her turns until she went to turn on the wave and she lost balance causing her to fall in the water.

On the beach everyone was worried except for Wren who was laughing as she looked at her brother. Bax looked guilty, but why?

Natalie quickly swam up checking her board. A fin was gone. The blond quickly swam back to the beach going over to Poppy "my fin is gone" the blond started panicking.

Bax looked away from Natalie feeling bad "See? The fins came off. Now don't ask me to do anything else"

"I won't. Probably but now we wait for Summers" Wren smiles.

After about 3 minutes Poppy had put a fin on Natalie's board so the blond grabbed her board and ran back into the water. She waited for the perfect wave which came fast so she started swimming to catch it.

Natalie landed all her tricks. Now all she had to do was land the floater.

Beth yelled in excitement along with everyone else when Natalie landed the floater. Bax was even clapping and smiling "Nice Williams" Wren slapped her brother and walked away.

After 5 minutes it was Summers turn. She swam into the water with other girls and waited for the perfect wave. Once she found it she swam to it stood up and began surfing. Summer was on her third turn when she had also fell into the water. She checked her board and a fin had fallen off also. That can't be a Coincidence.

Summer ran to shore "I need a fin mine fell off"

Wren was laughing when this was happening again.

Once Poppy fixed her surfboard Summer ran back into the water waiting for the perfect wave and once she found it she did tricks and landed them.

Everyone was happy but Wren was annoyed and mad. She wanted them to fail so they would have to go back to New York. Wren hated seeing them hanging with Ari. She didn't care if they knew each other since they were babies she thought they would try to steal Ari away from her.

 She didn't care if they knew each other since they were babies she thought they would try to steal Ari away from her

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Summer Loving•Baxter RadicWhere stories live. Discover now