Chick Flick

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-Manor. Living room.-

Prue's kneeling on the floor holding her camera and taking photos of Prim, who's looking out the window. 'Hmm, so I think I'll call this "woman not pretending to look out the window." That fits perfectly.'

'How about "girl about to pour hot coffee on sisters head." Let me see. (Prue shows her the photo.) Either I'm that transparent or you're that good.' Prim smiles.

Prue lights up. 'Well, I don't think I'll comment since you do have hot liquid over my head.'

'I'm sorry, I was watching Dan come home alone and I think a more appropriate title for that photo would be " witch with a severe case of the guilt's." And he was a nice guy who did nothing wrong and I....' Prim frowns.

Prue wraps an arm around her. 'Prim, you had to end the relationship, alright. Your heart wasn't in it and it was the only way not to break his.'

'I know, I just feel like Dan got the short end of the stick.' Prim sighs.

Prue smirks. 'There are so many ways that I can go with that but I think I'll just...'

'Thank you.' Prim laughs.

Prue shrugs. 'Besides, you shouldn't be worried about your past when your future is in town tonight for dinner and a movie.'

'I know, I know, I know. My first real date with Andy since he became a white lighter. And normal couples usually shower before their dates, so I'll see you later.' Prim states.

Prue nods. 'Okay. (Prim walks out of the living room and Phoebe walks in.) Hey. (Phoebe sits down on the couch. She has a smile on her face.) Someone's in a good mood. What's his name?'

'Billy.' Phoebe gushes.

Prue gives her a look. 'Phoebe, you didn't?'

'What?' Phoebe asks innocently.

Prue groans. 'You went to go see "kill It Before It Dies" at the revival house didn't you?'

'No, why would you think that I... (Prue raises her eyebrows.) Okay, I did. But you know what? It was research.' Phoebe explains.

Prue smiles. 'Okay, what kind of class sends you to the movies?'

'No, not for school, for me. I mean, if I', supposed to figure out what I want from a guy, I might as well start with the first guy I fell for, don't you think? Billy is the ideal man.' Phoebe states.

Prue shakes her head. 'He's a character in a movie. One that I might add you weren't even supposed to watch.'

'When I was twelve. I think after a year and a half of battling monsters I can handle a scary movie. Did I mention that Billy is the perfect man?' Phoebe sighs.

Prue nods. 'Once or twice.'

The doorbell rings. 'I will get that. (Phoebe gets up and answers the door. Can I help you?'

'Pheebs, who is it?' Prue calls.

Suddenly Phoebe goes flying through the foyer. 'Aaahhh!'

A demon walks in. 'Get up you miserable witch.'

'Hey, if you don't have anything nice to say...' Prue uses her powers and the demon crashes into the grandfather clock.

'And then there were two.' He runs outside.

Prue helps Phoebe up. 'You okay?'

'Oh, sure.' Phoebe grunts.

Prue holds onto her. 'Come on, come on, come on.'

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