That Old Black Magic

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Somewhere in the bush, two guys see a cave. They go inside and find a skeleton. They see writing on a wall. One guy starts to chisel at it. The wall explodes and a woman emerges with a snake. She shrinks the two and feeds them to her snake. She starts the hunt for her wand.



Prue's on the phone talking to Phoebe. 'Phoebe, we are televising this live. Can't it wait?'


-The manor.-

Phoebe's looking out the living room window. 'Prue, Dan's truck just pulled up outside.'

'Dan's truck? So?' Prue asks.

Phoebe groane. 'So, Prim is with him and they're kissing. And I'm not talking about 'thanks for lunch' peck on the cheek kinda kiss. They mean business.' Phoebe turns away disgusted.

Prue raises an eyebrow. 'Okay, what is the problem? They like each other, this is a good thing.'

'No, I know, I'm just worried that she's moving too fast. Like she's too in a hurry to get involved with someone else. Like she's moving on to quick after Andy.' Phoebe replies.


-Back with Prue.-

She walks in a room where there's lots of people, cameras, and a table with auction items on it. 'Look, Prim's a big girl and really, I mean, it's none of our business. Right? Right?'


-Back to Phoebe.-

Prim and Dan are still kissing.

Phoebe frowns. 'Isn't it sort of our business?'

'Okay, Phoebe, Prim can not just sit around for the rest of her life mourning Andy. She's trying to move on. And this is a really good thing. It's been hard on her after losing the man she loved.' Prue explains.


-Back to Prue.-

She picks up a wand off the table. 'Besides, Dan's a great guy. Maybe exactly who she needs right now to heal.'

'Okay, we're on in five, Miss Halliwell.' The director calls out.

Prue nods. 'Uh, gotta go, okay, bye.' She hangs up.


-Back to Phoebe.-

She looks out the window and see Dan and Prim walking towards the door. 'It's about freakin' time. (Leo orbs in.) Oh! Leo, whatever happened to knocking?'

'I'm sorry, Phoebe, but there's no time. Where's Prue, Piper and Prim? We have to talk.' Leo speaks urgently.

Phoebe sighe. 'Uh, you know, now's not really a good time. Okay, I know, how about you orb back in say an hour. Okay, that would be great, bye, bye.'

'I can't. The worst thing imaginable just happened.' Leo replies.

The door opens and Dan and Prim walk in laughing. They see Leo. Leo looks upset. Leo  sees Andy watching this and it breaks his heart.


Prim, Piper and Leo walk in the solarium.

Piper crosses her arms. 'It's not that it isn't great to see you, Leo, because it is. But you can't just orb in whenever it's convenient.'

'It's never been a problem before.' Leo scoffs.

Piper huffs. 'Yeah, well, things have changed.'

'I can see that. Prim is dating the boy next door.' Leo states.

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