𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎- 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐥

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The phone started ringing..  A single beep was heard at the end of the line. "Hey, what's up?" Soyeon answered. Sooheon took a deep breath before saying, "I got confronted by Chanmi today." "What did you do?" Soyeon asked. "She mentioned my shoes that I wore that night when I went to help out Minji. Which made her think that I apparently put a weird note in her locker." Sooheon quoted what Chanmi said with his fingers as he explained. "Hmm, she must think you're a stalker." Soyeon sighed. "Probably, but I would never write something so creepy in a note though." Sooheon understood that the blood stained shoes scared her a little and that was why she thought he was the type of person to go on with this, although he couldn't imagine himself doing that at all. "And this note.. was it a death threat?" Soyeon asked, curiously. She was sitting at a vanity desk and she pulled open a drawer, taking a journal out to write down what was happening. Soyeon wanted to help Chanmi. "I think the anonymous person said if she went on with a case then they would have issues or something along those words." Sooheon responded. "We should help her." Soyeon suggested at last.

Sooheon threw his hands up in the air in annoyance. "Soyeon she clearly hates me, how would that even work out?"
"If you do she'll actually like you, you just have to tell her you didn't do it." "Well I know I can but it won't be easy." Sooheon stated. "We're helping her and I don't care if you deny it. She is in danger." Soyeon hit her fist on the vanity desk to make it clear that she was serious. "Alright, alright what's the deal?" Sooheon decided to help out as he already planned to, he didn't want to be blamed for a threat he didn't write. Soyeon clicked her pen, flipping to a new page in her journal. "Right now we'll make a list of things we will do."  "Rule #1" Soyeon wrote. "Okay." Sooheon listened. "First of all, we will make sure not to cause too much destruction to be safe." Soyeon began to take note. "By that I mean we will try our best not to involve more people in this case than there is so we will stay safe."  "Last line leads to my second point and rule, we must keep each other safe and make sure this mystery person isn't stalking us either if they see that we're helping her out." "I also think we should apply our job into this which will be getting revenge for her." Sooheon stopped her before she could say another word. "Soyeon no, we are not getting money off of her!" His tone sharpened. "Sooheon I'm not even thinking about that! I genuinely want to help her money or not. Our job is not only for money, we get revenge for people who suffer and Chanmi is a person who's receiving threats, this is dangerous to her! She shouldn't suffer because of them." "Okay, is this it?" He asked. "Yes, I want you to go meet up with her again." She insisted. "I'll try to find her in the parking lot then." Sooheon said. "Bye, let me know what she says." Soyeon reminded him. "I will, bye." The call ended.

Sooheon walked through the orange dimmed streets in the dark night. He was walking slowly, seeing if Chanmi appeared anywhere. Chanmi was able to find him the previous time and now Sooheon wanted to find her. He tried looking for her in the dark alleys, looking carefully so he wouldn't bump into someone. It was impossible to casually see if she was there and this made him go back around. After twenty minutes of searching and walking, he found her in the same area like she found him that night. Sooheon got closer to her and she was near a lamppost. Sooheon called out her name. "Ok Chanmi! Right?" He called. Chanmi flinched from the loud voice and looked back to where that came from. Chanmi was mad at the sight of him once she recognized Sooheon. "Get away from me!" Chanmi shouted. Sooheon pulled her back by her arm. Chanmi gasped. "What do you think you're doing? Let me go!" She tried to get out of his grip. "Wait, you need to listen to me!" He urged. Chanmi stopped to hear what he had to say. "I know you may think that I was the one who put the note in your locker but I want you to know that I did not. I was back at the classroom when you saw that and I don't know you're locker combination Chanmi. I'm not here to just explain myself, I want to help you too. I've been weirded out with the note too so I talked about it with my friend Soyeon, and we think that we should should figure out who this person is and why they did this to you. I'm sorry if I seemed suspicious to you." Chanmi felt speechless. "I-Im so sorry.. I rushed to conclusions and blamed you. I'm extremely sorry. The thing is, you were the only person that I've talked to recently, this led me to thinking the threat was your doing. And I appreciate you and your friend for wanting to help me. I still have my doubts, though, I believe you since you gave your side of the story." A small smile formed on Sooheon's lips. Chanmi smiled back at him. "I still have a question, why do you guys want to help?" Sooheon realized that he forgot to tell her more about the deal.

"Me and Soyeon work together to help victims get revenge on criminals, this usually happens with students and their bullies. We would normally get paid to help them. In your case, we've decided to help you for free." Chanmi's whole face lit up. "You guys really don't need to this. I'll avoid the person the best I can. I'll be fine." Chanmi refused. "No, we'll help you." Sooheon reassured her. He saw that Chanmi was about to say something, he waited for her to speak. "I should tell you the context behind the case." Chanmi said. Sooheon nodded. "This year my brother was killed at our school. That day, we both were on a FaceTime call making plans to see each other and the screen turned black, cutting the call off. The police claim that he committed suicide and I know very well that he would never do such a thing. I'm here to find who killed him." Chanmi clarified. "The person who wrote the note is definitely behind this." Sooheon said. "He sounds like he's out for me." "Does this mean we have a deal?" Sooheon checked for a final time. "Yes." Chanmi agreed.

𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 (AOUAD x RRO) 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now