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BabyBoi: I got my phone back

(Y/n): YAY!!!!!

IcyHot: hey n/n wanna talk ab-

(Y/n): SO HOW

BakuHOE: how tf

Anima: uwu?

Cake: how does that... work

Earphone: secret girl magic

EmoBird: mhm

IcyHot: .... she won't talk to me....... I'll just uhhhhhh

IcyHot has left the group chat

(Y/n): oh hell
no he didn't

MOMo: you ignored him

(Y/n): I DIDN'T

PinkAlien: dumbass

Tape: unslay moment

Pika: fr fr

RockHard: cringe af man

(Y/n): please
help 😣

Dad: First off, we are in
detention get off your
phones before we get more.
Second, text him n/n, he
feels very hurt. Third,
add him abck to the
group chat after doing so.

MOMo: thanks hun <3

Dad: <3

(Y/n): okay.....

<private texts with Shoto>

❤️: why is my nick
name just a heart?

IcyHot: .... because

❤️ changed IcyHot's
nickname to 🥶❤️‍🔥

❤️: I'm sorry I freaked out...

🥶❤️‍🔥: don't worry you're
forgiven, I was out of place

❤️: No! Not at all! I
was just shocked

🥶❤️‍🔥: oh... so its okay?

❤️: ofc <3

🥶❤️‍🔥: okay <3


(Y/n) has added IcyHot to the group chat

IcyHot: I'm back

Dad: good, now
focus on detention


Aizawa Sensai look up from the book he was reading, and his eyes scan the classroom. I notice as a few classmates discretly put their phones in their pockets or hide them with their books.

"One hour left. Thank you for putting your phones away class, I am going to take a nap and if anyone wakes me up I will extend detention to the weekend." He pulls out a sleeping bag and curls up inside it, falling asleep rather quickly.

"N/n, here." Bakugou motions me over and I sit on top of his desk. "Girls day?"

"Yep, you are not invited. Sato and Koda are because they are sweet babies that need protected at all costs, plus Sato bakes and Kota likes doing nails." I lean forward and book his nose, "Plus you're a dick ninety percent of the time."

He rolls his eyes, "I am not"

"Hey izuku wanna hang out at my place tomorrow night?"


I smirk, "See? You are. Do you want to cinnamon roll" Izuku nods and I smile over at him.

"That's playing dirty."

I just smile and walk over to Mina and Kirishima. They're debating on who is better at picking date spots, after a bit of arguing is urprised to admit Kirishima is the better one. He has more romance to him, shocking, a few of the other girls agree that they wish their boyfriends where like that. Mina smirks and hugs Kirishima, happy with how lucky she got. My heart sinks, I know not everyone in the class is dating someone but, it makes me jealous sometimes. But it's partially my fault, I joke with Katsu, Shoto, and Izuku. But I don't think any of them actually like me. Part of me wants a boyfriend...

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