Sports Festival

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BakuHOE: I beat you loser

                                                (Y/n): .....

BabyBoi: Be nice asshole

Dad: DEKU!

MOMo: No cussing!!! Y/n u ok?


I sigh as I look at my phone and tears swell up in my eyes. It's not the fact that Bakugo beat me, it's the fact I didn't try my hardest, and that's what hurt the most. I fell short of myself, and in turn I lost the fight. Tears fall silently onto my phone and I let them.

"(Y/n), are you good?"

I turn to see Todoroki.

"Yeah." I quickly wipe my tears away as he approaches, "You need to get ready for your match against Bakugo."

"I have time, what's wrong?" He cocks his head studying me.

"I-I." I break and start crying, "I didn't push myself, and didn't put myself all out there. I was afraid to hurt him and look what that did. I lost and I know it's because I didn't try. I'm pathetic."

I put my face in my hands and he hugs me tight.

"(Y/n) nothing about you is pathetic."

I take time to dry my eyes and he walks me back to the arena. I stand at the doorway watching our classmates sit in excitement as Shoto strecteches and readies himself. Before he goes out I run behind the stands and hug him.

"Good luck you're going to do great Shoto, and if you're not comfortable using the fire, then don't. Deku's right though, just do your best."

I kiss his cheek and leave. He ends up losing to Bakugo, but I'm proud of him. He kept himself together.


BakuHOE: I'mma kill him when I find him

                                      (Y/n): Stop being a fuckin duche

Dad: -_- I saw nothing

MOMo: I too didn't see foul language

                    (Y/n): You can stop being a little bitch boi now

BakuHOE: I'm sorry I didn't think...

BabyBoi: Do you ever

Grapes: That was a dick move

BakuHOE: I'm sorry (Y/n) I was just happy that I beat u

                                                             (Y/n): sure -_- forgiven, ttyl 🖕

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