46 0 0

Portal: What happened to our little nuisance?

Hands: Hopefully gone....

Scars: you're an ass

Hands: no one accused me of being nice!!!

Blondie: she's with me!!!

Hands: who??

Portal: The nuisance idiot.

                                       (Y/n): jeez, missed u 2 😑

Scars: he's just jealous

Blondie: yeah, now let's finish doing nails!!

Scars: ... Can I join

                                        (Y/n): sure Touya

Blondie: ....


Scars: ....

Lizard: ....

TwoFace: .....

Hands: she knows to much let's...

TwoFace: Kill her!! NO!!

Blondie: i will kill you if you try hands.

                                       (Y/n): you made it obvious.... 
a band my ass

Portal: I'll buy you food if you keep it secret 

Hands: that won't work

                                             (Y/n): hell yea, secret safe, food 4 life

Blondie: YAY!!🎉🙏

Scars: later we 'll talk later about this Touya person...

TwoFace: yes its him!! No it's not.

Hands: gonna regret this

                                  (Y/n): shut up, get some chapstick

Scars: shade thrown😎

Blondie: I'm in love!!! 💘

TwoFace: that's mean girl!!! Good job 👍

Portal: burn

Lizard: ha! Loser

Hands: what's chapstick?

                                                                             (Y/n): ....






Hands: Guys seriously... what's chapstick?

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