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Dad has changed Bootyful's name back to (Y/n)

Dad: I propose

MOMo: OMG he's finally proposing

                                                                 (Y/n): Omg, to who

PinkAlien: To who?

BabyBoi: I bet it's Mom


Icyhot: A proposal

Grapes: To whom? I bet Deku, Uraraka, or Mom.

Infinity: Seriously? Iida answer us!!

EmoBird: Is he gay or straight?

Tenticals: No

Cake: Straight he is

                                                  (Y/n): who's the lucky girl?

BabyBoi; I just read what grapes said... not cool

Grapes: Srry, I don't know where he swings

RockHard: So it could be Bakugo

Pika: Opposites attract, right Jiro?

Earphones: Shut it pokemon boi

Froggie: I bet it's MOMo tho

EmoBird: I have to agree there

                            (Y/n): MOM YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED??

PinkAlien: u didn't even tell us

Infinity: Geez mom

InvisiGirl: Who's the maid of honor?

MOMo: I refuse to tell

Icyhot: Me

MOMo:..... -_- No, (Y/n)?

                                                                              (Y/n): Yes?

MOMo: Would u do me the honor?

                                                              (Y/n): OF COURSE


Earphone: I was nothing to you

MOMo: girls ur all bridesmaids

Earphone: I take that back

Infinity: Thx!

Froggie: Ribbit

PinkAlien: Whoop whoop

Rockhard: Then what am I?

                                                     (Y/N): Don't ruin this

Pika: But come on, are we chop liver?

Earphone: Yes

Grapes: I'm certified to get people married

BabyBoi: But how?

Grapes: I was hoping to someday do my marriage

Tentacles: SO you got certified?

Grapes: Yes

                                            (Y/n): that's actually cool

Anima: Yee


                       (Y/n): Who ruined my baby! Say yee



RockHard: Actually wasn't me

Cake: I refuse to say that inhuman word

Pika: yeee

Tape: yee

MOMo: Shit they're dead

Dad: that we all study together!

MOMo: ???

Dad: I propose that we all study together.

Grapes: We thought you were proposing to mom

Dad: Why would I do that?

Earphone: MOM'S Dead, she stopped functioning

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