Actual party

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Mina knocks at my front door, again, just louder this time.

 " (Y/n) hurry or we'll be late!!! " 

I hurry and throw my lipstick and phone in my bag and rush out. Quickly apologizing for my hair. It is (h/c) and (h/l), but it was unworkable today.

She laughs and calls Momo, telling her that we are on our way... Finally.

"Omg... Look at the group!!"

 I reluctantly obey...


MOMo: there is no way...

Infinity: but it is.....

Froggie: Hurry Mina and (n/n)

Earphone: no way he looks...

MOMo: yea...

Froggie: Baku looks...

Infinity: oh come on.... He looks hot af

BabyBoi: scarred for life

RockHard: I'd go gay

Tape: dumbass of course u would

Pika: but he is... Wow...

                                          (Y/n): wyd is going on??? Only I 
call dat hoe hot.....

RockHard: I might snatch him 
off the market

PinkAlien: F you

Pika: just offended your gf

RockHard: sorry baby girl but dang

Tape: Gay is showing

MOMo: but really damnnnn

Dad: my wife.... Gone to the dark side

MOMo: no luv u hun!!!

BabyBoi: does Katsuki know 
what a shirt is

PinkAlien: oh no

EmoBoi: what??

PinkAlien: shouldn't have said that...

                                                   (Y/n): shirtless????

Anima: uwu

Cake: terrifying

Tenticals: agreed

Infinity: HOT 🔥

BakuHoe: tf is going on

                                          (Y/n): shirtless

PinkAlien: she is drooling

BakuHoe: I'll put it back...

MOMo: no

Infinity: hell no

BabyBoi: ehh... I mean..

BakuHoe: The fuck you damn nerd!!??

BabyBoi: no comment

RockHard: anyway.....

Froggie: No, don't ever put it on

Pika: plz

Earphone: NO

RockHard: yes keep it off forever

PinkAlien: faggots, put it on Bakugou 

                                             (Y/n): biotch, not til I see

BakuHoe: okay..... Only for uu

PinkAlien: Wow, now she's actually going fast


I pull up to Momo's and run inside with Mina at my heels. In their massive living room is a shirtless Bakugou. I stare at him.

" Where is your.... "

"It got hot in here." He smirks, " Like it?"

I can't help the heat rising in my face, and I force myself to look at the floor.

"Eww, no."

"Liar. " Mina interjects, and i glare at her. She laughs, but her jaw also stops when she sees him. I smirk at her. Just then Shoto walls in and stares at the scene.

"What the fu..."

"Fudge. " Iida interrupts , " They are admiring this shirtless jerk. "

"I look better without a shirt." 

I look at him dead in the eyes, " Bet."

He gives a slight smirk, "Okay (y/n) ." 

Next thing i know... Both Todo and Midoriya are shirtless. Then so did Kiri... And Kaminari and my innocent Tape boi.

"Losers, y'all should see Momo or Ochaco in a bikini." Jiro says, " I'd go gay for them, and definitely for (n/n) in one. I wouldnwife her up faster then you can say lesbian."

I glare, "Lies, but she looks hecka good for having a flat chest."


That is how our bikini contest started. The boys voted, and we voted who looked best shirtless..... Shoto won to most people's surprise. And then the two of us played seven minutes in heaven because i won for the girls. Now can he kiss....... Answer. Yes he can really good. 

He slides his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I snake my arms around his neck and stare into his eyes. Then he leans down and our lips touch, barely. He just gently kisses me, and I kiss back. Then he pulls away, his eyes asking permission. I nod and he pulls me in again, more passionate this time. After a while, we both pull away, breathless. 

"Hey (y/n) wanna... Go out sometimeb to like grab some food." He asks once he catches his breath. 

" I'd love to Shoto. "

I kiss his cheek. He smirks and kisses my lips one last time, and then we exit the closet. The girls oo and aa, but my other two boys look sad.

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