348 4 1

(Y/N) Has added Uraraka, Kaminari, and and 18 others to chat.

Iida: No, you have messed up terribly. Imbecile.

                                                                      (Y/n): Mom, dad is bullying me.

Momo: Iida sweetie we've talked about this, be nice to the children.

Iida: Seriously -_-

Izuku: Hi guys!

                                                                                   (Y/n): Deku my love! Hru

Izuku: G-great, w-what about y-you?

                                                                (Y/n): Did he just stutter over text?

Uraraka: Yes, I didn't know that was possible

                                                                                  (Y/n): OMG he's adorable!!

Kaminari: I yeet my skeet out the deet

Jiro: Omg, I can't control him, srry guys

Kirishima: Dude same tho

                                               (Y/n): But yea, I get where he's coming from bro

Mina: Yea, me too


Iida: Please stop, I can't handle your guys shit at this time.

Momo: It's only 10:30, and watch your language!

Bakugo: SHUT THE FUCK UP, I'm trying to sleep

                  (Y/n): Ouch, shut up bitch, if you were trying, you'd be asleep.

Hagakure: Throwing shade

Shoji: But BakuHOE, listen to (Y/n)-san, she, unlike you has a brain.

Ojiro: Now salt meet wound

Sato: Calm please

Koda: UwU

                                               (Y/n): No Sato, Koda my innocent babies!

Uraraka: Since when can Shoji throw shade?

Tokoyami: Since an emo taught him

Izuku: Typical

Aoyama: No sparkles in this conversation :(

                                                                                                              (Y/n): Srry!

Tsuyu: OK I regret opening this, expect for (Y/n) and girls, ilu all

Momo: We love you too!

Mineta: Yasss.

Iida: See I told you there was a mistake

Mineta: Ouch

                                                           (Y/n): But bro he's chill, sometimes

(Y/N) has changed Mineta's name to Grapes, Ayoyama's name to Sparkles, Uraraka's to Infinity, and 17 other changes.

RockHard: No

BakuHOE: I'mma kill u

BakHOE has changed (Y/n) to Hoe

RockHard has changed Hoe's name to Bootyful

Dad: I wish you wouldn't act like this.

MOMo: Let the girl be

Anima: uWu :)

Cake: Thanks

EmoBird: Exactly

Tenticals: Wow

Earphones: Yee, I mean ok, shit Kaminari has effected me brain

Pika: I do that babe ;)

Earphone: -_- we've talked about pet names

Icyhot: -_- i was awoken by (Y/n) entering, and screaming for me to answer the chat

Froggie: Hey *ribbit* luv the names

Tape: I didn't expect much

BabyBoi: Thx (Y/n)-san

                                                                                Bootyful: Np baby! I luv u!!

Infinity: He's stopped working

Sparkles: He won't move

BakuHOE: I'll kill him

                                                                                      Bootyful: No more hugs

BakuHOE: Shit

I punch in Deku's number

"You good?"

"Y-yeah." Deku stutters, sitting down on his bed.

"Do i need to come hug you?"

"(Y/n) I'm g-great. I-i'm getting r-ready for b-b-bed."

"Goodnight then!"


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