♡ Freedom ♡

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It needed only one more signature until freedom.

Jimin was tense and yet relieved to put all this behind him.

"Please sign here!" said the prison guard and pushed him a piece of paper and a pen.

Jimin signed quickly, he just wanted to get out of here.

"You can pick up your personal Stuff in the front. Go down the hall to the first door on the right," the guard didn't give him a glance.

Jimin walked down the cold hallway that resembled a hospital, except that the smell of a hospital was different from the smell of a prison.

He knocked on the door even though it was open.

"Come in!" called a female voice and Jimin went inside.

"Park Jimin number 0132020!" he said.

The woman turned to the huge shelf behind her and looked for the box that Jimin dropped off when he came here four years ago.

Four years he was without her, thinking about her every day...until the end.

Every day he wondered if she was still in Seoul. If she had found someone?

The attendant reached for a box in the upper row. Due to her small height she had difficulties to grab it, but finally she managed it.

She put the box on the counter.

"Please check if everything is still there and then sign here". She handed him a piece of paper.

The first thing he saw when he opened the box was his phone. He reached for it, signed the papers, grabbed the box and was finally free.

One more door he has to cross, just a few more seconds....

The heavy iron door of the prison complex closed behind him and Jimin closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Gone were the times he spent alone behind bars, gone was the life he had before. Finally free from all the shit he had to go through.

The only thing that remained was his friendship with Jong-Hun, who visited him often, although the beginning was rather cool.


Jimin opened his eyes and saw Jong-Hun.

He smiled slightly and Jong-Hun came up to him and they both hugged.

The only friend Jimin has remained since then. Jong-Hun visited him as often as he could and never a word was said about the woman for whom he still feels love.

"And you are really sure? My offer still stands, you can take the room in my apartment. "Jong-Hun looked at Jimin with concern.

But the latter shook his head a clear " No!"

"That just brings back memories!" sighed Jong-Hun while taking Jimin's things from his hands.

"I'm taking her room at the club until I find a place for me to stay!" replied Jimin.

"Your stuff is still in storage. If you need anything we can go get what you want!"

"Thanks, but right now I just want to get out of here!" Jimin turned to the prison once more and sighed.

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