❤️‍🩹 I want my Son back ❤️‍🩹

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It was cold and dark in this abandoned club.

Dust swirled up with every movement.

Maja pulled Dae behind her. Down this long hallway until she reached this door.

"I want to go to my mommy!" the little one whined, trying to wriggle out of her tight grip.

Maja didn't respond to his squirming and opened the door to the huge room ....

Beds were lined up in a half circle ...in front of a stage...she grinned....

"Be quiet!" she admonished Dae.

"I'm tired and I want mommy!" he cried.

Maja took Dae to one of the beds that she had already prepared for him.

A blanket, a pillow and some toys so he wouldn't get bored.

She put him in front of the bed and knelt down to him.

Visibly overtired and with tears on his face, he looked at her.

"As soon as your mommy and your appa do what I tell them to do, the sooner you'll be back with your mommy, well....your appa I'll just have to keep to myself!"

She took off his jacket....

"Jungkook is my appa and he's strong, he'll beat you up!" sobbed Dae.

Maja laughed... "So your mommy told you that this Jungkook is your appa?"

She sat him on the bed and lifted his chin.

"Honey, Jimin is your appa, your mommy is a liar!"

Dae stepped after her... "Mommy never lies!"

Maja held his foot and was getting annoyed.

"Listen, I'll order you something to eat, then you go to sleep!"

Dae looked around..." It's dark here, there are monsters here!"

Maja rolled her eyes." the only monster here is you."

She straightened up and left the huge room.

She didn't care that Dae was crying. She took out her phone...and called Yumi.

It rang a few times but her aunt didn't answer her call.

When Maja came into the front of the old club, her heart almost stopped.

"What the hell am I doing here?" her aunt looked disgusted.

Maja smiled contentedly and went up to Yumi to hug her, but Yumi backed away.

"So here I am. What do you want? This is Yong's old club, how did you get in here!" Yumi wiped the tip of her index finger across one of the dusty tables.

"I have something we both want...or rather , a little insurance for what we want!" grinned Maja.

"Don't talk in riddles girl." frowned Yumi.

"Okay, I know where Haily...oh wait Su-Ri...is "

"So?" tilted Yumi her head slightly and looked at her niece questioningly.

"She's here in Seoul. At least she should be and I have what she wants back." Maja took her aunt by the hand and led her back to where she had left Dae.

Both entered the room where Dae lay huddled on the bed, sobbing and completely tired.

Yumi looked at Dae and then at Maja.

"A child? Who is that?"

Maja smiled all over her face. She sat down next to Dae , lifted him onto her lap.

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