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Sonic couldn't really get to sleep, mostly because of his own hunger...he just blinks a few times as he was trying to control that predator like emotions.

Silver was already awake at this point, do to him spending most of his day sleeping. He was a little concern for the siren...mostly because of the way that he looked, his pajamas pants was rather loose and he was skinny than a mobian should be.

The bat flinches slightly when saw the medallion that was around the hedgehog's neck started to give off a glow as the hedgehog's eyes shifted from emerald green to a bright purple, he only pulled himself away from his desk...stumbling slightly.

Sonic forced the door opened and started to make his way into the hallway, his hunger was getting the better of him that he had no control of his body or mind.

Sirens were rather a mix of aquatic predators, the sense of smell of a Great White Shark, and the fangs of a piranha.

When Sonic got to the bottom of the steps.

Aleena lets out a soft hum, when she saw her son at her side. "That Medallion is doing wonders on you Maurice...it's really forcing out your true nature of being siren."

"Food..." Sonic mutters pointing to the raw bloody meat that was on the cutting board.

Aleena only chuckles, "Sure thing...but you have to tell me what you are first." She coldly said to her son.

Sonic only shook his head, he knew what his mother wanted to say...after all he was forced taught all those lies at such a young age that he started to believe it...but as he got older, he knew that his species of merfolks were nothing but selfish pricks.

"Maurice...you know your are powerless to try to expose the truth..." Aleena said as she cups her sons cheeks. "The world may already hate us...but like those hunters they are powerless to get rid of us."

Sonic's eyes shifted to the meat that on the cutting board.

"You still understand, the pain that those filthy normies, and other creatures have done to us...what they took from us." Aleena hissed.

Sonic only stared at the meat, he's heard the story thousands of times, sirens used to rule both land and sea...until man and mobian came along and forced sirens into the ocean, hunting them down just spot...with very little left of the sirens they used that new gift from the gods to sing the slaughter to stop.

That story wasn't true...far from it, switching the prospective around you'll get the truth of the matter. Most young sirens were of course taught early as soon as they could speak, was when they started homeschooling or tutoring by other sirens, they were forced fed these lies...into thinking that every creature that wasn't a siren was evil, and the sirens were only trying to survive. When in fact it was the other way around.

Aleena only folded her arms, as she coldly started down at her son...with much disappointment in her eyes...Sonic's parents weren't proud of him, they never were, after all he was the only siren that believes in the truth and not this lie, that his parents forced on him. Hints why the Medallion was made to help the hedgehog give into those sirens abilities, and believes.

"You were always a disappointment...Maurice..." Aleena scoffed, she just piles the hunk of raw meat off of the cutting board and just giving it to her son. "You will give in...I'll make sure of it."

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