Witches Before Wizards

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I wake up as I hear Luz screaming making me fall off my bed"(muffled)GOOD MORNING YOU TERRIFYING FANTASY WORLD". "It's too early for this shit". I say in an angry tone as I get up grabbing my clothes and heading to the bathroom before locking the door as I turn around seeing hooty right in my face.
"MORNING YIN!". "Morning hooty". I say as I pet him. After I finish in the shower I get dressed and walk out the bathroom meeting Luz face to face as we both blush with it quickly fading.

"Morning Luz". "Morning Y/N'. She says with a smile. "Good luck". I say as I start walking away. "Wait what". She says to herself before turning around and being met with hooty in her face. "MORING LUZ". He says as I hear her scream and hear an impact with her no doubt hitting him in fear. "Ow I just wishing you a good morning..jeez.......HOOT!". I role my eyes as I get down to the kitchen and begin cooking breakfast for everyone. Said breakfast being griffin egg omelettes.

{Cue the Fuckin' intro thing)

After a while with breakfast done Eda, Luz and king come down stairs with king getting in his high chair. "Remember me Luz-". She gets cut off as Eda floats a mug towards herself as it hits Luz on the head and I place kings food in front of him. "Good butler now fetch me something to drink your king demands it!". "Yes your highness". I say bowing."We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil warden together yesterday?". She says as Eda reaches into the fridge for something.

"Kid lay off the details I haven't even had my cup of apple blood yet". "You mean apple juice". "No". Eda sits down as I slide her an omelette that she starts to eat. "Teach me some spells, do I get a major staff, was I supposed to bring my own runes(gasp) do you have a dangerous magical quest for me". She says clearly excited. "Woah woah woah slow down kid being a witch doesn't happen over night also you're wrapped in a bath robe and wearing the dirtiest traffic cone l've ever seen".

As she says that I take it off I blow on it(not in that way this isn't the lemon chapter) making loads of dust fall off. "Just eat your food before it gets cold". She ignores me continuing to look at Eda. "But a magic staff huh you really want one". "More than anything. She reaches her hand out.

"Magic staff come to me!". We all turn to the direction of loud crashing and banging before the staff flies in smacking Eda in the face. "Ah!". She screams in pain before grabbing it and standing upright. "It's early, now witches are awarded their staffs with me as your teacher you'll be taking a different approach". She says as she drops giant bag of various potions. "You'll have to work for it".

We cut to the living room as Eda is walking through it with Luz holding the bag. "| run a few businesses on the weekend I offer rare human treasures that Owlbert drags over from your side of the realm". She says as she picks up a toy sword. "I WILL SMITE MY ENEMIES ages 6-11". "But most days I sell only the finest homemade elixirs and potions".
"Snake oil". Says Luz as she picks up a bottle labelled snake oil. "No one wants an un-oiled snake". "(Shouting from another room)THATS WHAT SHE SAID". I say as Eda deadpans. "Follow me". Eda says she walks off.

Cut to Eda and Luz on a balcony "Today you'll deliver packages and sell potions to the town over their
bonesburrow". says Eda as she points to a town in the distance. "You'll have to be careful I have rivals everywhere who would like to take my business down and you along with it you wanted a dangerous magical quest sister you got one". "I won't let you down Miss Eda". Luz says as she drops the bag of potions of the edge. "I'm sure".

Cut to the front door as Eda is pushing Luz out. "And remember never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice cut once good luck". She says as she uses magic to shut the door. She walks over the king dusting off her hands as king is laying on a box. "Hate to interrupt your Power Nap but you have to go with her". "What but I just found the perfect spot why can't Y/N go with her". "You and I both know she'll probably get lost or eaten probably both". She says as Luz pushes her face up against the glass.

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