09 ~ A Proposal

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Tapur somehow escaped from Chandrachur and informs Kalindi Das about his double play. Kalindi is enraged because he was the same man who had badmouthed Sumati, Devoleena, Sundaram and Sampoorna. 

She knew what should be done. Tapur also expressed her fear of her life being destroyed by Chandrachur. Kalindi reassured her that nothing will happen to her. 

Chandrachur and Praveen came later with serious looks on their faces. Kalindi pretended not to notice them and continued to do her work, although her ears were alert. Her plan was already set in motion. She called out to him.

"Jamai Babu, please stop. I have something to tell you. Didn't Tapur come there and inform you?"

"No, she didn't come, Thaku Maa, what is it about?"

"First thing in the morning, go and ask those 4 to show up here. I have decided to give them some work around here in Krishna Nagar. If they want to prove that they've changed, this is the only way."


"No ifs and buts. Do as I say."

"Okay Thaku Maa."

"Argh! This old lady... what does she think of herself? Hmph!" Chandrachur thought to himself as Kalindi resumed her work.

~Next Day~

It was a new day and the 4 of them were waiting eagerly for Kalindi to appear.

They were waiting impatiently, but Kalindi took her own sweet time to come and talk to them. What they heard from her mouth shocked them."

"Thaku Maa... You are saying we should work in different houses? What if someone knows about us?"

"You don't need to worry about that.  No one here knows who you are and what you did. But, make any mistakes? I'll make it known that who you guys are to my villagers. Understood?"

Devoleena and Sundaram looked at each other and nodded their heads. The women in those houses will be updating me on your activities and behaviour."

"Shambu!" Thaku Maa called out.

"Ji Thaku Maa?" He replied.

"Take them to the places where they are going to work. Drop the women first and lastly the man."

"As you wish, Thaku Maa." Shambu replied and asked only Sampoorna, Devoleena and Sundaram to follow him.

Sumati was confused. "What about me, Thaku Maa?"

"Everyone here knows that you are the Eldest Daughter-in-Law of this house, making you work in a house like them would be shameful. You can work in the Haveli itself. Rhimjim will monitor you and your work."


"And one more thing. Do not speak to Prosenjit. He was very much against the prospect of you working here, but I had convinced him by giving this promise. I hope you uphold this otherwise there will be consequences."

Sumati nodded and she was asked to follow Rhimjim. Tears brimmed her eyes as she looked at the place that was her home. 

Sumati meticulously worked hard and did everything perfectly, but she couldn't stop the resentment growing inside her. Devoleena's words ran through her mind constantly.

"That Thaku Maa is capable of anything. She will treat you like a queen if you follow her, otherwise she will treat you worse than a maid. Be careful, Sumati."

Sumati felt that Devoleena was right. What made it even worse? None of the family members talked or even looked in her direction. It was like as if she didn't even exist there. Prosenjit looked at her when he came into the kitchen, but then ignored her too.

Oh boy, little did she know that this was all a part of Devoleena's wicked game and the consequences of her turning against her husband's family would cost her a lot.

Chandrachur later came and talked to her, telling her about the plan they discussed last night.

Just then Tapur came in. "Jamai Babu, Thaku Maa has requested your presence and also yours." Tapur said, looking at Sumati.

They both followed her into the Living Area.

"What is it, Thaku Maa? Why have you called us?"

"It is about Bondita's marriage." Thaku Maa revealed. "I called Sumati because, after all she is her mother."

"Maa! It's too soon!" Prosenjit exclaimed.

"Prosenjit, I can understand. But, look at Bondita. She's young, independent and fierce. But what about her safety? You know right that Devoleena and her family pelted stones at Bondita?"

"Yes, Maa but-"

"Look. I've abided by your wishes and fulfilled them till now. And it's now your turn to fulfil this wish of mine.

"I'm sorry, Thaku Maa. But I won't let Bondita get married at any cost." Prosenjit thought to himself.

"Okay. But, we should ask Bondita's opinion. Our opinion isn't enough." Prosenjit added.

"Okay. I will ask her, don't worry."

"Thaku Maa, what if she says no?" Rhimjim chimed in.

"If she says no then no." Thaku Maa declared. She also said, "All the proposals will be reviewed by me. If I feel something is wrong with the boy, I will reject them myself. I need the best man for my grand-daughter. The same applies for Tapur also."

All of them agreed, and that's when Chandrachur chimed in.

"Speaking of proposals, Thaku Maa. I just got one this morning. One of my father's friends has a young son who is ready to settle down. My father thinks Bondita is the best for him."

Thaku Maa was shocked yet deep in thought. "Okay. I will inform Bondita and meet them in person."

"Maa, I will also accompany you." Prosenjit added.

"Okay, you can come. And Chandrachur, ask them to come here. I'll see them and then tell if they're fit to be Bondita's in-laws or not."

"Okay Thaku Maa, as you wish." Chandrachur gave her a smile and then left.

~Later that night~

The 5 of them- Chandrachur, Devoleena, Sampoorna, Sumati and Sundaram were talking in the other house.

"The first step of our plan has worked!" Chandrachur declared.

"Oh Kaali Maa! Really?" Devoleena exclaimed.

"Thaku Maa has accepted to see the family we chose. Let's see what happens."

"When are they meeting?" Sundaram asked.

"In 2 weeks. Thaku Maa told me." Sumati replied.

"Oh, Kaali Maa. Please let this go smoothly."

"Maa, come on. Why are you calling out to her? Did she help you all the time you called her?" Sampoorna cut in between.

"Habits never die, Sampoorna. I was too chanting Thaku Maa's name all the time. Look what she did to me? Made me, her daughter-in-law into a servant." Sumati snapped.

"Don't worry, Sumati Maa. She will soon regret her choices." Chandrachur gave her a reassuring pat.

And with that, they dispersed, not knowing that someone else has overheard their conversation.

Who could it be?


Things are taking a turn. The next few chapters have some high-voltage drama.

Stay tuned for more.

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