Hot Sister

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"I think I'll miss you forever. Like the stars in the sun miss the morning sky."


Ney'lana knew the part she played in the war. The part she played to her people. Not only the forest and Ometicya people, but the people of Pandora. All the Na'vi. So as she sat packing her things, she thought about how it would look if people found out that one of the mightiest warriors that had ever walked on their beloved planets floor was running from battle. Of course, she never cared about what people thought of her, but after the first few months of the sky people returning, and her name started to spread rapidly around Pandora, she witnessed the impact it had for people. People who had lost hope, people who had lost loved ones, and little children who were scared out of their minds.

She saw that just her fighting and holding her people and planet so dear to her heart made other people want to join and fight as well. She first realized her impact on the people when she had traveled to a different clan to discuss the war with some warriors and her mother and father. A little Na'vi boy, a little younger than Tuk, walked up to her when she was just walking around, taking in the clans scenery, and handed her a small figure made out of wood. She had bent down on her knees, so she was just about eye level with the child and asked who it was.

The figure had long hair, reaching down to the middle of its back, strong muscles where clearly shown to display the characters' strength. The only color produced on the toy was the wood that was supplied from a tree, making it hard for her to be able to tell who it was. The young boy looked behind him, Ney'lana's eyes traveled to see where he was looking, only to find a group of children and a single adult staring at them with shy faces, some even giggling out of excitement. She waved with a charming smile, making some of the kids squeal.

When the boy turned back to look at her, he pointed back down to the toy, with a small finger placed on the corner of his mouth, and pointed back up at her. He didn't seem to talk, so she took in the motions the boy provided. He took the toy out of her hands and slowly held it up beside her head. Her eyes noticeably lit up when she finally figured it out. It was her. She had made such a difference already that little children were fans and making toys of her. She smiled again before standing and sticking her hand out.

The boy quickly latched into her hand with his own, and they walked back over to the group. Ney'lana introduced herself, as well as hugged some of the children and listener to adults who stopped by to thank her for her efforts with the war. A woman and a man whom she was surprised to recognize came up to her at one point. The woman let tears fall from her eyes as she couldn't control herself and rapped her arms around Ney'lana. She was stunned, but non the less ended up hugging back. When the women pulled away, she explained that Ney'lana had saved her husband once while fighting. The action is currently letting him come home and be with his family.

She later found out that the group of children were orphans. Their parents have died, mostly due to war, and had no other family to look after them. They all tried showing her their fighting skill, which were very, very far off from perfect, and asking for her advice. She didn't have enough time to spend individually with all of them, so she gave them all a quick lesson.

And before she left, she took her necklace off and placed it onto the only child that was brave enough to step up to her and have a conversation. Well, it was kind of a conversation. The necklace was simple but held a lot of meaning. It showed strength and bravery, as it was a claw from a palulukan that attacked her. She had fought it off, eventually killing it and dragging it to her clan. The meat lasted for a week as they celebrated her and her achievement for the clan. It was one of her many great accomplishments. And she had plenty more of the teeth and claws somewhere at home. She had kept them for the memories.

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