Chapter 1

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It's been a few months since I started my training at station 51 with the two most best goddamn paramedics in all of Los Angeles, as Daddy calls them. Currently I was on a run with them, a woman in labor, Roy was on the receiving end of the delivery, and Johnny and I were telling her when to breathe and when to push, all will getting our hands nearly crushed in the process. When we heard the baby cry, we knew both the mother and the little baby boy were going to be just fine, but we still had to take them to Rampart General just as routine.

After a few minutes, I spotted Dixie. "Hey, Dix? Can I talk to you, alone for a minute? It's kind of personal. I don't want the guys to know" I said a little uneasy. "Sure Camie. What is it? Is this about those eye headaches?" she asked. I nodded and she took me to treatment room 2. Dr. Early came in and examined my eyes and told me that in time, I was going to become blind and there was nothing they could really do about it. "Dix, can you go have Johnny or Roy call Mike? I'm scared" I said.

"Sure, Camie" she leaves and comes back with Roy, since Johnny was flirting with a nurse. "Cam? What is it?" Roy asked. I looked at him with tears in my eyes and told him to call Mike, since it was his day off, and have him come to Rampart, I have some bad news to tell him.

Roy nods and calls Mike and he came down to Rampart. Mike came into the room and I told him the bad news. "Oh, Camie, sweetie, we'll figure something out when it happens" Mike said pulling me to his chest. "Roy? Can you please tell Daddy that I went home with Mike?" I asked. He nodded and went out to the squad and went back to the station and told my dad that I went home with Mike.

"Mike, I'm scared. I don't wanna even think about not being able to see. It terrifies me" I said once we got into his car. "Honey, I know, I'm scared too, but we'll find a way. In the meantime, don't worry about it until it happens" he said. I only nodded and stared out the window.

When we got home, I made some calming Jasmine tea. "Camie, I drew you a bath" Mike said hugging me from behind. "Thanks babe. I know I can always count on you when I need you" I said. Walking into our room, I grabbed some clean clothes and put my hair in a messy bun, to keep it from getting wet. The bath was very relaxing, it calmed my nerves.

After I cleaned up the bathroom, I walked into the kitchen, where I saw Mike making dinner. "What're you making, Mike?" I asked him. "Curry" he simply said. I nodded and went to the living room and watched Bones. "Bones, why don't you just go out with Booth already?" I muttered as Mike came in.

"Honey, what're you muttering about?" Mike asked. "Darling, only how Bones should date Booth already" I said. He nods and sat next to me while the rice was cooking in the rice maker.

"Ok, the rice will be done when this episode is over" Mike said, putting his arm around my waist.

When the rice maker went off, Mike got up and got dinner for the both of us. Just as I was about to take a bite of curry, the phone rang. Rolling my eyes, I answered the phone.

C: "Hello?"
H: "Cam? Roy told me that you went home with Stoker? Why's that?"
C: "You know those eye headaches I get? Early examined me and told me that over time, the eye headaches will get progressively worse and I'll go completely and utterly blind, Daddy and I wanted Mike, ok?"
H: "Yeah, I understand, sweetheart. Gotta go, love you"
C: "I love you, too, Dad, bye-bye"

"Babe, what'd the captain want?" Mike asked, once I came back over to the couch. "Daddy just wanted to know why I came home with you, so I told him why and he understood" I explained. He nods as we ate.

Moving closer to Mike, I snuggled up to him and placed my head on his shoulder. "Mine" I said as he kissed my cheek. "Cap would never let this happen at the station" Mike said. "No, no he would not, honey" I laughed. He kissed my temple as I enjoyed his warmth.

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