Chapter 2

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(24 hours ago)

Br: "Why don't you just tell me about these doubts, Cam"
C: "Well, ever since I was brought in, I've been feeling less than 100% since I lost my vision, Kel, and now I'm afraid Mike's gonna leave me"
Br: "Camie, you have to talk with him about your feelings"
C: "Yeah, I know, but like I told Dixie, I've got 24 hours to think about it"
Br: "Well, alright, just try to think about it and get some sleep, Cam"

That's exactly what I did, too.

(The next morning)

Hearing the door open, I asked who it was. "It's Dixie, Cam" she said. "Dix, I thought about what Kel told me, but I still don't think I can bring myself to tell Mike what I'm thinking" I told her.

"Well, you have 5 minutes to make up your mind, because Mike's here and he really wants to see you, honey" Dixie said.

"Just send him in, Dix" I said. She leaves and comes back in an instant with Mike, who kissed my cheek. "You ready to go home, babe?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go home, honey" I said. He holds my hand and we left and he took me to Dairy Queen and bought me lunch and a royal Reese cup blizzard. "Put it on Captain Stanley's tab, please" Mike said to the cashier.

"Sure thing" he said. Once we got our food, Mike and I went back to the station, where Daddy and the rest of the guys and Boot, or so I thought at the time, all welcomed me back. "Where's my Boot, Chet?" I questioned him.

"How am I supposed to know where he is?" Chet rebounded at me. "Camie, there's something you need to know. Boot died yesterday after I tried to get him away from the road, but I wasn't quick enough to save him. I'm so very sorry to be the one who had to tell you about that. I know how much he meant to you and Mike. I just wish there was a way we could help" Marco said. My heart sank when Marco told me. I knew it wasn't his fault, but I told Boot to stay out of the street. Mike pulled me to his chest and I started to cry.

About a few minutes later, the alarm went off and the whole station was called on a structure fire. Chet left the TV on, just for me to listen to my favorite show, Bones. Right as the show had finished, I heard the garage door open. "Cam, we're back" Dad said. Moments later, I heard the thunderous roar of footsteps, either Johnny pissed Chet off or vice-versa.

"Ok, who pissed who off?" I asked.

Ch: "John pissed me off"
Ca: "I know that I'm going to regret this, but why?"
Ch: "He called me a moron, Cam"
Ca: "I'm on Johnny's side because you are a moron, Chet"
H: "Ouch"

Later that night, when the kitchen was being cleared out, I was already in bed, just thinking about what happened. To be completely honest, I was thinking about what Dr. Brackett told me to do, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell Mike what I was thinking. "Hey, you going to bed soon, honey?" Mike asked. "Yeah, is Dad still in his office?" I asked. "He is, Cam. I'll take you" Chet said, chiming in.

"Ok, walrus. Besides, I wanna talk to you anyways" I told Chet, knowing he has a big mouth. "Quit calling me walrus" Chet said. "Not gonna happen" I retorted. Taking a hold of my wrist, he took me to Dad's office. "Daddy, was I going crazy, or was there a dog on my couch?" I asked him, confused.

"That's Henry, sweetheart. He's very sweet, but I know that no other dog could replace Boot, but will you please give Henry a chance, Camie?" Daddy asked.

"Fine, but if that dog lays in my lap one more time, he's going to the pound" I said, annoyed. "Camie, we're not going to do that to Henry" Dad said before getting up and leaving. "Y'know, on second thought Chet, I just wanna go to bed, so could you take me back to the room?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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