Entry One : For Starters

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i really don't think anyone will get to read this journal.

correction: i hope nobody gets to read this journal. the chances of someone reading this.. aren't particularly in my favor, so there's no point in saying nobody will read this. because someone will.

so, whoever's reading this, thanks for breaking my privacy. here's your reward! you get to know who i am! isn't that so exciting? aren't you so glad? aren't you so eager to read on? you fucking creep

who knows, maybe you're actually some super cool historian or scientist studying this journal which was buried under dirt debris and blood and bodies, and this journal will be like some monument.. something displayed in a later museum when the apocalypse is over and the zombie virus is cured and everyone is happy and healthy. they'll display this fucked up, torn apart journal, in a glass case like "hey! look a depressed freak wrote a journal because he felt lonely" maybe i'll be a part of history, they'll look back and be like "woah how the fuck did he survive past 10 years old?" who knows


my name is kurokawa ryuu, i am 25 years old. my pronouns are he/him.

my sister was sumiye ryuu, i say was because she is dead now. she died 5 years ago because a freak burned down the hospital she and her group stayed at. her group was called the Miracles, because they truly were miracles. they helped anyone and everyone with anything they needed. they held supplies(food, water, medical supplies), and had people who could help. they had medics, psychiatrists, and teachers. they had vets, engineers, construction site workers, you name it, they probably had them. they had everything the world used to be in one small group.

they had strong people, and weak people, and they let anyone join them. they let zombies join them as long as they had a working mind, they let outcasts join them as long as they promised not to kill anyone.

i guess their kindness was taken for granted. because they're all dead

i think there was a few survivors after the arson was committed, though. maybe like 5 survived.. i think.

sorry i rambled, i miss my sister

you might hear that a lot, by the way. i mean. a lot. a lot a lot

a lot

okay so. what can you expect from this journal?

1. no art

2. sadness

3. trauma dumping

4. my life

5. how my day was

6. what trick i taught my cat one day

7. the meaning of life

8. ignore number 7

9. whatever the fuck is in journals, i dont know

im done

//authors notes will be here....

if there is any .
i don't have any for u guys 2day

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