Making moves

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"Shes so.." Tara began leaning on her hand as she swooned over the tall beautiful girl named amber freeman. Mindy held her laugh and sipped her morning coffee. "When are you going to be over her? Come on tar." Mindy said placing her Starbucks cup on the bench table on which the sat on. Tara frowns at her and mindy raises her eyebrown at her. "Okay carpenter if thats what you want then go ahead ill try and be supportive,"

Mindy said sighing deeply as tara smiled and turned her attention elsewhere. Mindy turned around and rolled her eyes. When she turned she saw the infamous amber freeman, people claim that her freshman year people called her amber freeman-eater because they said she ate through the boys there like no other. She was super hot, and still is in taras eyes.

As seniors now, people knew better. Not to be mistaken that she still hasnt pulled like hell. Tara waved at her and amber as usual gave a half wave back. Tara and amber used to be really close back in middle school and even talked regularly their freshman year. Amber however, grew out of tara and grew into fake shallow friends.

She now hung out with people who used to bully tara, Chad and Liv. The broken up couple who still flirted with eachother now and then. He's also taras bestfriend, mindys twin. Chad was just the bad apple in the basket since highschool, when amber grew in fame he followed quickly getting recognized as the QB of the woodsboro high football team.

Tara assumed it was bound to happen because pretty girls never stay humble, tara was only ever considered cute. Tara was left behind because of a rumor back in her freshman year that her sister was pimping herself out to care for tara and their mother. Tara cried every single day in the bathrooms where only half of the time amber would show up to comfort her but she always hid her semi friendship with the tiny carpenter. The highschoolers of woodsboro truely had no life outside of making everyones life a living hell.

Amber would always try to be there for her even though she had a reputation to maintain. When taras locker had a paper on it that read "unfuckable carpenter (p.s. the sister was easier)" amber was there for her in the shadows. The next class period she skipped it to clean up the locker incident and even organized it. She had a good heart, just didnt want anyone to know.

"You have to stop looking at her like that dude.." mindy said as amber passed them and stood by the lockers chatting with chad and liv. Tara shook her head and closed her eyes to shake the expression dfrom her face. Mindy giggled a little as tara sighed caving her face into her hands. "She hasn't actually talked to me since February, its September" tara said as she looked up to see mindys jaw dropped. "Are you joking?!" Mindy yelled slamming her coffee down on the table and tara flinching at it.

"No?" Tara said softly. Mindy facepalmed in disappointment in the small girl. "Oh, mindy hold on ill be back." Mindy nodded as the girl walked off and into the bathroom. She stood at the mirror and pulled out her phone and answered it. She smiled as she heard the voice on the other end.

She was about to greet them when amber walked into the bathroom staring at the girl. Tara said she'd call him back and she turned to amber after hanging up. "And to what do i owe the honor?" Tara said crossing her arms staring at the floor. "Very funny tar." Amber said stepping closer to the girl. Tara looked up at the girl as she approached her.

"Tara to you." She said as amber lifted her chin with a finger. "Awe, dont be like that tar tar." She said giving the girl a paper and walking off. Tara turned bright red as the girl exited and nearly fainted. She composed herself and then lost it again when she opened the paper to see a phone number written down on it. It was captioned with "Call me tar. Dont be shy now." .

Tara felt her face heat up and she covered her face with books as she walked out of the bathroom and back to mindy who was still sat at the bench just on her phone and finishing her coffee. Tara yelled silently at the girl when she set her books down and held up the paper.

Mindy nearly choked on her coffee and had cover her mouth before she spat out her drink. Once she swallowed she took the paper and read it closely. "Holy shit. Should've believed in your delusions." She said as she got hit lightly by the small girl. "Alright, call her when you get home." Mindy said and tara looked down.

"You are gonna call her right?" Mindy said concerned that her friend got what she begged so much for and wont even seize it. "Well.." tara said scratching the back of her head. "Youre joking right? YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING!" Mindy said slamming the paper down on the table. "Stop slamming shit mindy, god." Tara said after she flinched once again.

"I'll call her."

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