United again

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That night tara mustered up the courage to make truth of her word and call the girl she hasnt had a proper conversation with since 3 years ago.

Tara picked up her phone, sighed and dialed the number written on the paper. She heard it ring, and ring, and ring. She knew it was too good to be true, she hung up and placed her phone on the bed.

In a few seconds she felt her phone vibrate and picked it up to see the number she tried to dial a few seconds ago texting back. She smiled faintly.

20:03pm, September 12 2021

hi amber

so..i know its been a while but hows life been?

good, good um mindy has introduced me to some boys. Haha. Me and mindy have been getting really close shes like my best friend i dont know what id do without her. You?

oh um. Ive been alright, my friends are whatever. I guess everything is whatever haha.
Read 18:47 PM

They talked like that the whole night, back and forth. Slowly turning the conversation deeper.

22:12pm, September 12 2021
so you like me?



sorry if that's awkward

no need.

well um..do you?

Read 22:15

Tara unintentionally left the tall girl on read after falling asleep with her phone still in her hand.

The next day

Tara couldn't wait to talk to the girl at school. She wore her special perfume and her lucky hoodie. She smiled on the way to school.

"Whats up with you?" Mindy asked as she drove them to school. Tara finally broke the silence and told her everything. "I think she might talk to me again!" Tara said kicking her feet a little. Mindy smiled at the girls clear happiness and excitement. "Cant lie and say im not happy for you, good job little one." Mindy said as she pulled up and parked in the school parking lot.

When they got out the car her smile faded as she say amber towering over a girl that looked similar to her in a way. "Maybe she just has a type." Tara said holding the rim of her shirt tightly and looking down at her feet. She felt mindy's arm creep around her, she then was pulled into a hug. Tara hugged the girl back crying lightly into the girl's shoulder. Mindy stroked her head to calm her down. "Im sorry tara, i shouldnt have let my guard down about her." Mindy said resting her head on tara's.

After school she ran to her house with angry tears spewing down her face. As tears stained her soft face and she arrived to her house she ran up to her room face planting on her bed sobbing crying. She sobbed cursing ambers name as the sun began to set and her tears dried up. All she had left in her system was anger and embarrassment. She grabbed her phone angrily and began typing.

Wendnesday 8:43pm
do you really wanna be with me or are you just fucking with me? If you are, dont text this number anymore. If you arent, come find me. Man the fuck up amber i am not a secret amber victoria freeman.
Read: 9:34pm

After she sent that message she hesitated at first but ultimately blocked the tall girls number. If she wanted her she had to prove it. She was more then done with amber.

An hour later she felt a knock at her window and looking out of it she saw the black haired beauty outside of her house. She opened the window and helped amber in. It was raining pretty bad outside and amber was soaked her white tee was see through. Tara looked down and amber smirked a little. "Eyes up here help me in." The girl said as tara quickly fixed her behavior and helped her in.

Once settled in amber sighed. "Where do you want me to start?" Amber said with water still dripping from her long hair landing onto a pair of dry clothes tara provided. "Whyd you ignore me?" Tara said crossing her arms as she sat with her back resting on her pillows. Amber who sat at the edge of the bed begain to speak.

"If they knew about you tara, people would talk. I dont care if they talk about me, but i can't afford for them to talk about you." She said gripping the bedsheets unnoticeably tighter.

"I dont want you to be tangled up in whatever im already in. I dont want you to end up, well like me." She finished. "And that is?" Tara asked curiously waiting for the girl to continue. "Fucked up" amber laughed in her own weird way of coping.

"Why can you touch that girl in public but not me?" Tara said looking down as she asked. Amber sighed before answering the small girl. "If i touch you, youll be written down." She said whispering almost. "Written down?" Tara asked looking up at the girl confused.

"Chad made a book, he calls it 'the scoreboard'. I used to love the scoreboard until i didnt." Amber further explained. "How do you get put in the scoreboard..?" Tara asked softly. Amber looked down in disappointment. "You fuck them." She said coldly. Tara avoided looking at her face. "But we didn't fuck?"  Tara said in a confused tone.

"I know but— tara all you need to know is im trying to protect you. Everything im doing is for you tar." Amber said holding the girls hand. Tara shook her head at the girl. "I dont need your protection amber." She said leaning forward and kissing the girl. Amber, cought of guard broke the kiss.

"Are you sure?" Amber said a final time. Tara shook her head no. "But what do i have to lose?" She said laughing a bit as their lips once again interlocked. The kiss intensified as amber reached for the girls waist and tara wrapped her hands around the talls girls neck.

They both shared heavy breathes and little moans between the deep kisses. They slowly broke the kiss. Tara grabbed the girls face and held it in front of hers.

"Make me feel good, please amber. Fuck me." She begged the girl with sexual desire written all over her. The pale girl looked her up and down, smiling only slightly after looking at the girls lips.

"Okay." She said.

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