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Tara heard loud noises a minute after amber left and got up immediately but stopped as soon as she heard her phone ring. When she picked up the phone she saw that amber was calling her. She answered feeling relief flood her. But when she heard the voice speak it didnt sound too much like amber.

"Hello? Is this christina?" A raspy voice spoke intothe girls ear. Tara sighed. " She's not here. Want me to leave a message?" Tara spoke softly still shaken by the noise downstairs. At this point she was concerned about amber's absence for so long. "Youre her daughter right?" He asked. "You are?" She said scarred by his prior knowledge of her.

He laughed a little "Sorry for the creepy comment, im in group with your mother actually now that i think of it she talks a lot about you. Assuming i am talking to her." He said worried a little at the end. "Yes its her. What does she say about me then?" Tara said putting on hand on her hip and pacing around her room.

"She says you enjoy, scary movies. Is that true?" He said sounding genuinely interested. Tara smiled a little, "I love scary movies actually.". She heard the man on the other end speak softly. "Oh yeah? Can i ask you a question?" He said. Tara shrugged her shoulders "Shoot.". The mans voice grew soft and raspy.

"Whats your favorite scary movie?"

"The babadook. Elevated horror is really the best." She said laughing. "Have you ever seen stab?" The man asked. "Maybe once at a sleepover back when i was like 12." She said trying to recall old memories from 6 years ago

"You live in woodsboro and you dont know stab? Well your mother loves that movie she talks about it all the time in group." He said in a surprising tone at the girls little familiarness with the movie.

"How well do you remember the original?" He asked the girl. "I dont know i mean it was like super 90's it was really overlit and everyone had weird hair. Not really my style you know?" She said giggling. "Do you remember the beginning?" He asked in a lower tone.

"Well i mean it started with a kill scene right? They always started with a kills scene. Its a slasher." She said proud of her horror knowledge. "Yeah thats right! Thats right." He said as his tone grew sinister.

"Its a girl at home, alone. She answers the phone and starts talking with the killer who makes her play a game."

He paused.

"Would you like to play a game ... tara?" He whispered into the phone as tara's blood ran cold.

She hung up the phone and remembered amber was missing. She froze as she stood up trying to move but her body remained still.

She unfroze after she got a notification from ambers number. Her face horrified as she picked up her phone in one hand and the tall girls phone in the other.

"What the fuck.." she whispered as she saw a message come through from ambers number. She read it on her phone.


She looked around before her phone rang. Already sobbing at this point, she picked up. "What do you want?" She cried to him.

"I want to play a game with you tara. Dont you dare even think of hanging up on me or ill gut her!!" He yelled into the phone. Her face grew pale. "Gut who..?" She said trembling.

"Amber freeman, ring a bell?" He laughed into the phone. "How did you text me? I have her phone." She asked her lip quivering.

"She really shouldnt leave her phone out for anyone to clone." He said clearly smiling on the other end. Tara began sobbing, "ill play your fucked up game just dont hurt her." She said falling to her knees hopelessly.

"Good. Lets do ,, stab trivia. Three rounds, you get a question wrong and she dies; if you call the cops she dies. Be careful tara." Ghostface spoke softly to the crying girl.

"No no anything else! Fuck!! Ask me about it.. it follows! Or or hereditary even the witch!! Please i told you i dont know those movies well you sick fuck!" She begged the man on the other line.

"In the first stab movie, what woodsboro native was introduced as the franchise's main character?" He asked. She took a few seconds before remembering from years back.

"Sidney prescott! Its sidney prescott and she lived on elms!" She said proud of her answer. "Correct! See youre gonna do great. Question one.." he said to the girl. She scrunched her eyebrows, " No no that should've count i got it right. What the fuck is wrong with you!" She yelled into the phone.

"Anyone could've got that right. She's in every movie but the last." He spoke softly.

"Question one, who wrote the original book that stab was based on?"

"The chick from TV!" She screamed trying to remember her name.

"The chick from TV isnt going to cut it, tara" he said with a slight undertone of anger

she paused to think for a moment,
"Gale weathers! Please stop this, its gale weathers you sadistic fuck.." She yelled into the phone.

"Correct! Question two, who plays the dumb bitch at the beginning of stab 1 that gets carved up by the killer because of her stupidity of answering the phone." He laughed.

She trembled at his comment "fuck you, bastard." She mumbled under her breath.

"Is that your answer? Remember a non-answer counts as a wrong answer." He reminded her. With ambers life on the line the girl begain to use google for answers.

"Tick tock tick tock tick tock.." he repeated into the phone quickening his pace until the girl found the answer in enough time to blurt it out.

"Heather graham!" She sobbed out with amber still lingering on the back of her head.

"You pulled that one out of your ass! Youre correct tara." He laughed at the girls clear terrified personality. He smiled just at the thought of all the pain she must be going through even though her blood remained in her body.

"Final question tara. Who was the killer in stab 1?" He asked.

A smile grew across her face. "I know this one.. i know this one you cunt!! Its billy loomis and he's  sydneys boyfriend! And i got you!" She sobbed of delight.

"Oh im sorry tara but thats just not correct!" He said in a deep tone over the phone.

Her face crunched. "No no it is. It is billy loomis!" She said confused.

"The correct answer is billy loomis and stu maucher there are two killers in the original stab." He said calmly.

She froze up again but then remembered the trouble amber is. She grabbed knife that she taped under her nightstand just in case ghostface attacked. She ran put her bedroom, flying down the stairs looking for amber.

She looked around and saw a blood trail out the front door. Tears ran down her face as she flew to the scene kneeling down on the blood. She looked up at the cracked open door and swung it open walking out braced for action.

She felt a rag placed over the bottom half of her face. She struggled before the drugs on the rag set in. She managed to stab her kidnapper in the thigh before her vision went black.

Murderous love [tamber]Where stories live. Discover now