Out of place

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Amber crossed her arms. "She left. I dont even like her that much to care where she went though." Amber said feeding the dogs a bone that would buy them both enough time to properly hide the old girl that sat in the cabinet. As the water dripped on her legs from a leaky hospital sink and sweat ran down her face she remained her quiet tone which felt like forever for her. After hearing amber going back and forth with the police, she heard the door close.

Amber looked out of the small rectangular window on both sides of the door and watched them completely leave before she made her way over to the sink. She opened the cabinets and sam fell out onto the floor, dramatically. Amber rolled her eyes. "The things i do for this girl." She murmured under her breath. Sam looked up at her thankful that she was helped by the girl she has treated with so much disrespect after her return.

Amber helped her off the ground and they both sat down at the edge of the bed. "I think i know how to get you out. Safely of course." Amber spoke eyeing taras clothes that hung from a chair. She had to change for her procedure, so she handed her clothes to amber.

She threw the clothes on the bed beside sam. "Put them on, they have probably hung fliers on what you were wearing, how you looked maybe. But its all we have to work with." Amber spoke as she turned around so sam could change.

Once she changed into a tight black and white shirt, with dirty baggy jeans and the girls black zip-up jacket; amber smiled. "Very different from what you wore before." She said pointing at the greasy, sweat filled grey wife-beater and her dirty tight blue jeans. "Lets just go." Sam insisted.

The two made their way out of the room, sam put her hoodie up as nurses passed them. They made it out of the hospital perfectly fine.

Entering ambers car she starts the car. The drive was completely silent. As the two exited the car and entered her house they briefly communicated, amber talking just to direct her and sam answering to be kind.

They make it up to her room and they hang out for a little even though they hate eachothers guts they knew the cops and ghostface were after the both of them. It was their safest option. They talked as a movie played in the background, slowly tolerating eachother, slowly realizing how much they actually had in common if they put aside their differences.

That night the both of them fell asleep after deep conversation and woke up to a call coming from ambers phone. She jumped up as she realized it was teras ringtone. Answering the phone with a smile that soon faded as she heard a deep voice on the other end, not of which sounded remotely close to teras.

"I shouldve gutted you amber freeman." Ghostface spoke manically laughing in a semi soft tone. "This isnt fucking funny man we promised not to do this shit on eachother." Amber said walking out the room as to not wake up the older carpenter sister that lies in her room, in her bed. She entered the kitchen playing with the knifes in the knife block on the counter.

"Richie what the fuck are you doing man this isnt funny. Were so close." She said smiling.

"This isnt richie sweetheart, but i believe if you open your fridge, you will have a rude awakening that you may or may not be able to handle." He spoke.

In fear, she instinctively grabbed the gun that was hidden under the kitchen island that was hidden under there by her overprotective parents, who always had a hit on their back for scamming customers, cheating death.

She loaded it and stepped in the direction of the fridge. Her eyebrows showed her hope for this call to be a prank, for nothing to be in that fridge. As she opened it she saw her friend, her ghostface companion richie cut into pieces and shoved into her fridge. She gasped as she pointed the gun around seeing nobody around so she called out for sam. She yelled at the top of her lungs for the girl. She saw the girl safely run out of the room asking what happened standing at the doorway of ambers room still waiting for her reply.

Sam gasped for air with her eyes widening. "What happened sam? Samantha talk!" She yelled at the girl and pointed a gun in her direction. "Fuck sam!" She yelled before seeing the girls shirt fill with blood, fresh red blood. As soon as sam dropped to her knees she shot the person behind her in the neck. Blood spilling from ghostfaces outfit. The said ghostface now choking on their blood and gripping their neck.

Amber quickly ran up the stairs and shot them in the head before anything could stop her. Woth her shakey hands she removed the mask and fell to her knees as she saw the familiar face behind the mask.

She brushed the ghostfaces hair back and sat them to bleed out in her bathtub instead of the hallway. She then focused on sam who bled out profusely but still held a pulse. Amber carried her over her shoulders even though she was desperately struggling since the girl had insane muscle mass. She placed her in the passenger seat of her car buckling her in and then herself. She sped down the streets and brought her to the same hospital that her sister resides in.

"Sam dont you dare fucking die on me bitch." Amber said parking at the hospital that wasnt too far away. She ran to the passenger side and carried the girl walking in the hospital yelling for help.

"SHES GOING TO DIE PLEASE HELP SHES BLEEDING OUT!" Amber said and managed to get the attention of nearby doctors who took her away on a stretcher that was brought out by a nurse to aid sam as soon as possible.

They strolled her away into the double doors that she wasnt allowed to go into. She brushed her hair back with her hands and sat down breathing hard and stressing over her survival chance.

She sighed as she got back up and drove back to her house to clean up her now blood stained clothes and body. Exiting the car and entering the house she ran upstairs and went to her bathroom sitting down by the tub. She looked into the still opened eyes on the unmasked, dead ghostface that laid in her bathtub.

She closed their eyes and shed tears over their death, holding the bodys ice cold hands for comfort. "Why did it have to be you?" Amber said softly. "She cant know, if she finds out, she'll be destroyed." Amber said letting go of the dead ghostfaces hand and standing up.

"She wont know about you mindy. Ill make sure of it. You will be forgotten, mark my words."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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