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She woke up to police sirens and officers screaming for backup. She laid there against a tree closing her eyes again hoping it was a dream. But once she realized it wasn't, she felt the metallic taste of blood. She also smelled it all around her.

After feeling around she realized she had to wait for the cops as her hands were bound. She couldn't have told what it was since she was tightly blindfolded under the assumed ghostface mask.

Mere seconds later the cops found them hanged up by their arms on a big tree together. The cops called out to them and only tara and one other responded in mumbling over the gag they were put in.

When they strung down tara first, removing her mask, blindfold, and her gag she stumbled back still holding her mask as she broke down at the sight of her dead parents, unlike tara they were not strung up by their arms instead they hung there by their neck. Nasty bruises covered them as well as deep cuts made by a dull knife based off of how the cuts look, and overhearing the forensics whispering about the cuts. They were assuming it was a passionate murder.

Her eyes adverted to the third person who was also strung up by her arms like tara. She wore the same ghostface mask but tara already knew who hung there just by seeing the girls slim yet buff structure. She tried to run to get her but as soon as she moved she felt a sharp pain in multiple areas of her body.

She clenched the wound on her stomach as she fell to the ground. Looking up at the girl still strung up as the cops worked on her she yelled for the girl.

"Sammy!! Samantha is that you!?" She shouted as the girl heard her and mumbled louder trying to break free of her ties by brute force. She struggled to break free, kicking everyone and pulling the ropes tighter on her wrists.

Tara crawled to her sister on the leaf filled grass. No moon in sight to light the path only the red and blue flashing lights. The cops yelled after realizing she was hurt. They picked tara up and got hit and kicked by the girl.

"My sister please!" She let out a bloodcurdling scream while she was restrained by their grip and placed in a ambulance where she was sent to get treatment for her stab wounds .

As she was sent away Samantha fell to the floor after been kidnapped and missing for almost a month. She was still in her same buff shape because they fed her regularly and she found ways to remain her shape in the basement she resigned in.

She fell down as the cops cut through the ropes. Once her hands were freed, she snatched the mask off tossing it in front of her.

She took off the blindfold and the gag that she was placed in. She let out deep breath and massaged her chin. When she looked down at the mask her skin grew pale.

On it was written "half sister" in bold red letters unlike the last victim whos mask didnt have an title on it.

She kept her head low as tears slipped out of her eyes. She looked up at the officers, almost begging for justice. The cops just stared at her, then eachother. While they stared at eachother sam took the opportunity to run away.

She sprinted into the woods while the cops yelled and hopelessly ran after. Even though sam was weak, she prevailed as the officers gave up running and called for help.

She managed to get away and made it to the edge of the forest where a hospital was noticable in the distance. She heard some cops talking about a small girl getting taken there. After navigating her way through the woods where she'd play hide and seek with tara when they were little the memories started to flood back to her.

"Sammy here i come!" The young carpenter yelled as she ran through the thick, tall dark oak trees, occasionally almost tripping on the trees stretched out roots that popped out of the ground. Samantha giggling to herself knowing she would continue to move as tara got warmer to her location. Eventually she gave up after searching for 10 minutes more or less, and yelled for the comfort of her sister. She would come out and hug her little sister spinning her around. "Im scared sammy, what if i couldnt find you and you got lost forever?" The young girl said as her lip quivered and a tear fell down her soft baby face. Sam wiped said tear, "trust me tar, i will always find a way to you. Even if it takes forever."

"I promise." Sam whispering under her breath after finishing what she said while they were still youthful children. She heard sirens and jogged into the hospital. They all looked at her like she was crazy because of her nappy hair and dirty, oily skin. Then again they didnt deny her service.

She walked up to the receptionist leaning over the clean desk. "Tara carpenter, is she here?" The girl said as she heard the lady behind the desk begin to type. "Carpenter, spell it." The lady said awaiting the girl's answer

"C-A-R-P-E-N-T-E-R" sam spelled out for her. "And who are you to miss carpenter?"  She asked looking up at her.

"Sister," she said. "Samantha carpenter." The girl said. The nurse looked at her suspiciously before looking at the younger sisters relatives and seeing the girls name. She looked back up at her. "Room 125 itll be on your left hand side." She said pointing to a door to sams left.

Sam thanked her as she rushed through the doors. She jogged down the hall until she saw the door. It read 125 on it. She smiled as she placed her hand on the doornob of the door, hesitant to open it. She stood there waiting for a minute. A nurse approached behind her smiling at sam.

"Are you going in?" She asked

Sam looked at her removing her hand from the door.

"I- I dont know." She murmured.

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