Ruin me

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Tara winced as the morning light blinded her and she woke up realizing she wasnt alone in the bed. She smiled as she saw amber snoring softly next to her. She got up and grabbed the side of her dresser for support as her legs shook. She cursed quietly as she did her best to walk to her bathroom.

Once in there she saw how much damage amber really did. To her surprise amber claimed her territory by marking her up with hickeys and bruises from bite marks that she had left on her last night. They bruised farther overnight turning a nasty dark purple shade while the hickeys remained bright red. Her cheeks turned pink.

"Im fucked." she sighed. "No, you were fucked." Amber said cracking open the door and leaning against the frame. Tara covered her face in embarrassment as she stood there wearing the taller girls shirt and amber stood there smirking at the sight.

"Youre okay, its nothing you havent seen." Amber said walking towards the girl and from behind slithering her hands on the tiny girls waist. She leaned down laying her chin on the latinas shoulders. "Guess who." Amber said against taras neck. Tara finally moved her hands down and looked in the mirror to see amber behind her in nothing but her underwear and bra.

"Put clothes on." Tara said looking at the girl through the mirror. "Make me." The taller girl said pulling tara closer to her. Tara raised an eyebrow at her statement.

"Okay." She said smiling a little.


They both got ready after cleaning themselves up. Amber wore taras clothes and tara just wore her own since it was her house. The small girl wore a turtleneck and cargo pants and the taller girl wore a sleeveless shirt with jorts.

"Hey, dont hide me. Please amber." Tara said grabbing her arm. "I just dont want—" amber began "i dont care amber, put me in the book for all i fucking care. I just want you to not be ashamed of me." Tara cut off.

Amber grabbed the girls face "i will never be ashamed of you." She said pecking her on the lips. Tara smiled at the girl softly after their faces disconnected. It was nice to hear but she knew the girl didnt mean it.

So amber did just that, drove her to school and walked her to mindy before returning to her friends. Mindy eyed her up and down shunning her with her eyes because of what she did not too long ago. Mindy softened her gaze as tara explained it all for her.

"Twice?? Damn girl." Mindy said noticing her turtleneck. "Marked you up real good huh?" Mindy said smiling at the sight. Tara blushed as she hit mindy lightly to tell her to shut up.

The two talked in between passing periods, amber drunk her "water" as usual and tara kissed the girl sometimes tasting the vodka off her tounge. It was bitter of course but amber wouldnt let the bottle go. On her bad days mindy would drive them but usually amber would say sober by the time school ended so she could drive tara home then herself.

It went on like this in happy bliss for over a week.

Until a dead body appeared in the small town of woodsboro. Tara knew him, only slightly of course. His name was Danial Berkly, he was new in town. Him and tara tried to date once but they stopped talking after he ghosted her. She was upset a little, yes but she hasnt gave him a second thought since she found out he was dating around the town.

She cried when he told everybody bad things about her. He called her a slut saying she'd begged for him to fuck her, he also claimed that she was a bitch who left him on read and never texted after they fucked. Then again he was famous for lying through his teeth almost everytime he opened up his mouth.

Tara did none of those things but the students of woodsboro high didnt really care, they tore it up. It was safe to say after that she gave up trying to stop their wicked opinions on her.

They found his body with a slit throat that was covered by a ghostface mask sitting apon his face covering his bloody face. Everyone was shaken by the "ghostface is back" rumors spreading quickly. Neighbors stopped talking to eachother, locking doors, kids even stopped coming to school. After mere hours of the news getting out, school was shut down.

Amber and tara still saw eachother outside of school. They met up frequently in crowded places so ghostface wouldnt catch them, ambers idea. Tara has never fell so hard for a girl in her life like the way she fell for amber. They hung out more often now. Both scared of ghostface attacking them next.

"Tara is dont wanna lose you." Amber said on night while snuggling up behind taras naked body. "You wont amby." Tara laughed turning to face her direction. "Will you be my girlfriend? I cant imagine dying and not being able to ask because i was bitching out." Amber said chuckling towards the end of her sentence.

Tara cried softly and used a pillow to cover her face. Amber lifted her head as she pecked her lips. "Dont cry baby." Amber said calling tara something other then her name or nickname for the first time. " baby." Tara said getting it out of her system for the first time. "You dont know how long I've waited just to call you baby." Tara said kissing her again.

The kiss got heavy and thats when the lights started flickering. They both got scared putting on clothes quickly. "What the hell was that." Tara whispered. Amber stood and started walking before tara held her arm to stop her.

Amber turned with a serious facial expression apon her face. "I cant let you go out and get hurt. Let me do this tara." Amber said in a saddened and serious tone. A tear fell down both of their faces before amber was let go. She exited the door and closed it behind her walking out towards the startling noise.

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