130. What I'll Never Write

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I am a dreamer always thinking
Always pondering scenarios
Putting lots of effort into thinking them
Practically living in them
But those are the things I'll never write
Not in any amount of detail anyway
I've thought of putting my dreams on paper
But I don't wish to expose them to the world
Putting my happy place in reality
Just feels all wrong
Maybe I could reference them in other works
The most inside joke one could have
The only one who laughs is me
No I don't think I should
I don't think I could
Writing things down
Is what makes the thoughts feel real
I ought to keep my fantasy
In the world it belongs
Keep it safe buried deep in the gyri of my brain
The only place ideas won't be picked apart
Where ideas can't be judged
Is within the fortified castle of my mind
Yes some ideas
My best ideas really
Will never be written
As personal as writing is to me
It will never get that deep

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