Chapter 3 - Michigan College of Science and Technologies

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Chapter 3

August 29, Sunday

Arthur's POV

I've been trying to put off this hideous thought for so long, and now standing in the school that Leonard is going to– Michigan College of Science and Technologies– it just seems so real. My boyfriend is leaving me. It might not be that dramatic, but it sure feels like it. And I'm not sure what to think of it.

It's about an hour away from where I live, which isn't exactly that far, but one can always count on me to overthink everything.

But I mean– what if Leonard gets too caught up on school work and does not have any time for me? What if I get too affected by my emotions and decide to stop visiting him? What if something bad happens that stops us from seeing each other? What happens then? What happens to him and I?

I was standing outside of his dorm room. I refused to go in– I didn't want to. I didn't want to admit to that hideous thought. But I had to. I mean, I was probably worrying about all of this way too much. Leonard said he was going to call me every night, and visit any time he could– and knowing him, he will. There's nothing to worry about.

So I opened the door, revealing Leonard with his parents. "Greetings, Arthur." Leonard spoke, a small smile spread on his face. "H– hi." I replied awkwardly, my eyes shifting between his parents and him.

We haven't exactly gotten around to telling either of our parents of us dating, so as far as they know, we are really good friends.

"We will be outside, Leonard." Mr. Lee stated, as if sensing the tension in the room, while Mrs. Lee gave her son a kiss on the forehead before the pair walked outside.

"I can't believe you're actually going to college," I almost sighed out, slowly walking closer to Leonard, my hands awkwardly shoved in my pockets. Leonard just smiled widely, standing as straightly as he usually would. "To be honest, I've been dreading this for so long, and it just feels so– real, now that I'm standing here, in your dorm room." I finished saying.

Leonard, unexpectedly, wrapped his arms around me– he's been a lot closer recently, physically that is. It's everything I've dreamed it'd be like, and so much better knowing that I'm the only one he'd do this with– that he only hugs me, only plays with my hair, only holds my hand. I would never want to think of myself as a selfish person, but I am when it comes to Leonard– the boy I'm falling for.

Leonard pulled away slightly, though still in such close proximity. "I have already created my schedule of when I will visit you, and of when I will call you every night, and of how long– there is nothing to feel worrisome for." The dark haired boy reassured as he held that beautiful grin on his face– with his eyes squinted slightly, and lower lip puffed out more than the upper; I notice everything about him, it's so hard not too.

I then heard the door creaking open, walking in being a guy with blonde hair and brown eyes who seemed to be around the age of eighteen or nineteen– quite tall and moderately thin. "Oh– hi, sorry, I wasn't expecting you to be here so... early." The guy stammered, closing the door behind him and walking closer to us.

"So– which one of you is Leonard Lee?" He then asked. "That would be me," The younger boy stated, adjusting his glasses. "Well then, I'm Samuel Baker, but everyone calls me Sam," The blonde introduced, "And, totally off topic, but you just seem a bit young for someone going to college."

Leonard smiled, his all too familiar proud look masking his face, saying, "Well, to inform you, Samuel, I am sixteen." Sam's eyes widened, chuckling in what seemed to be of fascination, "Damn, you must be really smart then."

And throughout this whole conversation, I just continuously glared at this Samuel and his stupid pretty face that's going to be sharing a room with my boyfriend for however long; it's no secret, I'm a jealous person.

"Uhm– well, I should go now, I'm meeting Nate and Kathrin soon, so I probably have to get going." I declared awkwardly. Leonard turned to look at me. "Oh, well, okay then. But do I have to remind you of when we are calling tonight, or do you remember as you claim you do?" The boy asked, while I nodded, "Yes, eight thirty, or twenty thirty as you say."

Then, out of the blue, Leonard went on his toes and kissed me, like he did multiple times before– but this was the first time it was in front of someone. We haven't ever done so before, not even with Kathrin around. We were always very private of our relationship. Leonard seems to find some new way to surprise me everyday.

"Farewell, Arthur." Leonard spoke as I opened the door to leave. I turned back, offering a nod, before leaving.


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