Chapter 4 - Date

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TW: Smoking and swearing


Chapter 4

September 4, Sunday

Maeva's POV

I stood in front of the body-sized mirror set in my living room. I twirled around, looking at a draped black dress I've borrowed from my mother (borrowed being taken without her noticing, but I'll return it; stealing in a kind manner)– with an off-the-shoulder neckline– as well as very tall black sandal heels.

 I twirled around, looking at a draped black dress I've borrowed from my mother (borrowed being taken without her noticing, but I'll return it; stealing in a kind manner)– with an off-the-shoulder neckline– as well as very tall black sandal heels

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Maeva's outfit

Without taking my eyes off of the mirror, I saw my mother walk out of the kitchen from behind me, this sort of awe-filled glint in her eyes. "Oh baby, you look beautiful." Mom stated lovingly, a bright grin spread on her face.

"Thanks mom," I sighed out, a small smile inching up my face as well. Everything seemed to be going right again, everything seemed to be okay.

Nate and I have decided to start going on dates again, and we've gone on a few already. We want to become closer, and maybe– at the right moment– become something more again.

I haven't felt this beautiful in a while. The past year, and the year before that, everything was a mess. I was too focused on everything else, and never took a second to focus on myself. Even with prom, and Christmas, and past dates, I haven't really looked at myself; how I seemed, how I felt. But at that very moment, I felt so... amazing. I can finally start over.

"Is that– is that my dress?" My mom asked in a joking manner, while I chuckled nervously. "Definitely not, why would I– why would I ever steal something of yours?" I replied playfully, laughing slightly under my breath.

"Sometimes it seems you've grown so much, but other times it feels like you're still the little girl that always stole my makeup and jewellery," Mom started saying again, me scoffing and rolling my eyes like a teenager.

"Just make sure to return it afterwards." She finished saying, me replying with, "Of course– if I don't get too attached and claim it to be mine." whispering the last part.

My mom gasped dramatically, playfully slapping me on the arm. Though before she could say anything more, the doorbell rang. "Oh jeez, Nate must be here already– I've got to go." I jokingly stated, rushing away from her and to the front door.

"Well have fun– and I expect you to tell me all about it when you get back!" My mom yelled from behind me, me flashing her a last smile, as if saying 'goodbye' before leaving.

And again, I saw Nate standing in front of me. I looked into his sea blue eyes– the ones I fell in love with– as if the whole of last year didn't happen. "Hi love– why are you taller than me?" Nate quizzed, humorously. I only rolled my eyes at him, taking his hand as we began to walk.

"So what restaurant are we going to that made you tell me to dress so fancily?" I questioned, him responding with, "You'll see."

There was a moment of silence before Nate started talking again, "Ok, but seriously though, your sudden increase of height is challenging my masculinity, and–" I cut him off with a laugh, "Challenging your masculinity, okay."

Time skip

Nathaniel's POV

It was almost midnight.

I'm so happy that Maeva and I have found a way to work things out again. She's honestly so– great. I don't know what I'd do without her.

I strolled through the empty streets, smiling to myself. I haven't been this happy in a while– I didn't think I deserved to be. I'm just.. glad I was able to find it in myself to feel better; be better

In the process of walking home (after dropping Maeva off at her house, I decided to have a little walk), I saw Arthur and Kathrin sitting at just some bench, having a smoke.

"Hi there," I greeted them. Kathrin was the first to look up, asking, "Wassup– what are you doin' just... walking? At– 11:47 at night? That's f*cking weird, I must say." I shrugged, trying to stifle the smile on my face.

"And why do you look so... giddy?" This time it was Arthur who talked. "No reason– just went on a, uhm, date with Maeva." I replied. Kathrin rolled her eyes jokingly, "I was gonna offer you a cigarette, but it doesn't seem like you need it."

I went to sit down beside them, "Anyways, what the f*ck are you two doing up just smoking? If you ask me, that's more weird."

"I don't know– just talking, happened to be awake. How was your date?" Arthur questioned, and the smile started growing on my face again as I thought about the night. "It went really well. I'm just so glad she and I are figuring things out again." I replied.

"Well, that's great. Leonard and I are figuring things out too– with him at his fancy school and stuff." The redhead stated.

"Yea, and me and my imaginary girlfriend-boyfriend are also doing great, thank you for asking." Kathrin spoke, mocking us. "Oh shut up, you were the one who said you didn't want to date." I exclaimed.

"I can't help my annoyingly jealous nature." Kathrin then muttered in response.

The three of us stayed out for a few more hours, not getting back until three or four in the morning; like how we would in middle school and high school. It feels like everything is normal again, even if it's not at all, even if it's really all changing.

But I guess that's what happiness does to you. It makes you want to stay in one place, makes you want to slow down life.

I don't want anything to change– I want it all the same, forever. Maybe I'm just stuck in a giddy haze, or a loop of childhood dream– but at this moment, it doesn't seem so bad. And I guess I'll just let it be, for now.


994 words

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