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3rd person

May 28th

"Come on mike this will be fun plus I haven't seen my brother in ages" Mikes girlfriend Jane smiled in the passenger seat of mikes car as Jane has convinced Mike for them to go to California for the summer

"Maybe for you I don't know anyone there, plus why did you just now tell me that you had a brother wouldn't you think that would come up within our 3 years of dating" mike scoffs keeping his eyes on the road while driving to the airport

"Well it was never really important plus you never even asked me about my life in California nor my family, oh and it will be fun come on we're going to California, where the beach is where we'll be alone and you'll meet the people I grew up with!!" Jane smiles and mike rolls his eyes

"Whatever, as long as they will let be drink and smoke im good, oh and if they don't get touchy I hate hugs, oh! And if they get don't get sappy, I hate that shit too" mike points out and Jane rolls her eyes

"Aren't you delightful and amazing to work with" Jane sarcastically says

"I'm actually quite very good to work with as long as your not happy 24/7, touchy, or emotional then we can maybe get along, also cut the sarcasm" mike says

"Mike your standers are very high, especially since we're going to be staying at Joyce's house" Jane sighs

"Who the fuck is Joyce?" Mike mocks and Jane rolls her eyes

"Wills mom"Jane sighs and mike furrows his eyebrows

"Am I supposed too know who the hell Will is?" mike remarks and Jane scoffs

"Oh my goodness Mike, Wills my brother!!" Jane states and mike sighs

"You could've started with that" mike breaths "and how are my 'standards high especially if staying at Joyce's house'" mike mocks

"Joyce is a lovable person she's the sweetest soul you'll ever meet, she also gives the best hug in the entire world" Jane says and mike rolls his eyes

"Oh Jesus she sounds like my arch nemesis" mike sighs and Jane huffs rolling her eyes

"Your impossible to work with" Jane states looking out the window

"Whatever, we're here at the airport"mike sighs pulling into to airport parking lot and Jane sighs in relief

"Mike come on Joyce texted me and she told me she's in the front waiting for us" Jane says grabbing Mikes hand walking to the front of the airport

"Okay! Okay! Don't rush me" Mike says throwing his free hand in the air

"I'm not even rushing you, oh and while we're here can you please try to be nice and smile! Instead of judging everyone" Jane sighs

"Can't make any promises" mike mumbles and Jane sighs Turing her head towards mike

"Pleaseee can you try, for me" Jane whines sticking out her bottom lip and mike sighs

"I'll try, but like I said, I can't make any promises" mike sighs and Jane smiles

"Thank you Mikey" Jane squeals and mike chuckles as they walk out the airport and seeing all the cars parked in front and they're minds are completely lost

"Fuck I don't know what car she has" Jane sighs biting her lip then pulling out her phone until they hear a female voice

"Jane over here!!!"  A female voice yells and mike and janes head look to wear the yelling is coming from and they spot a Middle Aged woman with chocolate brown hair, a sweet smile wearing a grey shirt and blue mom jeans and Jane gasps seeing the women smiling brightly

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