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3rd person

May 28

"I still can't believe I haven't been here since I was 9" Jane sighs sitting on the bed next to mike who is completely in his thoughts

"Ooo we should go to the beach tomorrow!" Jane lights up looking at mike who seems unbothered

"Mike!?" Jane says and mike jumps a bit getting out of his thoughts

"W-what- yeah?" Mike says and Jane sighs

"Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow?"" Jane asks and mike shrugs

"Yeah sure that seems fun-ish" mike sighs and Jane smiles grabbing mikes hand

"Okayyy!!" Jane smiles and mike chuckles but the two are interrupted by the a know on the door and the door opens appearing will and mikes eyes dart to anywhere but will and Will does to the same

"Sorry for bother but dinners ready and mom said your dad should be home soon maybe after after dinner?" Will says and el nods

"Okay! Come on mike let's go" Jane smiles standing up and tugging Mike along


"So mike Jane told me that your in college already, how old are you?" Joyce asks before taking a sip of her champagne trying to start a conversation

"Um, yeah I am and um I'm 19.." mike mutters poking his food with his fork

"What major do you take?" Joyce asks and Jane looks at mike wondering mikes answer since mike never talked to her about it

"Um I'm taking English literature at the moment" mike mumbles and Joyce's nods and Will perks an eyebrow

"Oh your a writer!" Joyce says and mike nods

"Yeah but mike might take along in business and take his dads business" Jane smiles and mike nods

"Oh yeah I forgot about that"mike sighs rolling his heys and he accidentally makes eye contact with Will, but neither of them are pulling away this time they make long eye contact and you can tell there was tension

Mike feels his face heat up and he bites his lip taking in all of wills features who is sitting just across from him

"-Right mike!?" Jane smiles looking over at mike, mike looks away obviously unaware on what's going on and he glances at Will again try to come up with a answer

"W-what?" Mike stutters shaking his head and he glance at Will again to see a small smile on his face

"Did you not hear me" Jane asks furrowing her eyebrows looking at her boyfriend and mike shakes his head

"I said we might go to the beach tomorrow" Jane repeats and mike makes and o with his mouth

"Oh yeah that.." mike trails off

"Will do you want to come??" Jane asks and will shrugs

"I don't know I don't wanna third wheel" will sighs and Jane purses her lips

"Umm, wait!! Your still friends with max aren't you?" Jane brightens and Will nods

"Does she still live here in cali??" Jane asks narrowing her eyebrows

"Yeah she moved in at the Walsons old house down the street " will says and Jane smiles

"Omg!! You should invite her, I miss her!!" Jane smiles and will nods "Yeah I will, hold on let me text her right now" will mutters pulling out his phone

"Will dear we don't have phones at the table" Joyce says and will sigh putting down his phone

"Sorry, forgot" will sighs then his phone starts ringing and he looks at it

"I'm mom it's max can I go talk to her?" Will asks and Joyce nods

"Of course sweetie you already done with your dinner you can go" Joyce smiles and will nods answering his phone

"thank you" will whispers and Joyce nods

"love you" Joyce mouths and will nods before walking away and mike would me absolutely lying if he said he didn't watch Will walk always and stare at wills ass as Will walked to his room seeing how wills ass would rock side to side

Mike bit his lip trying to manage himself by seeing how Will had quite nice hips thighs and an amazing ass, mike frowned once Will was out of sight

"Mike are you done with your food dear?" Joyce asks standing in-front of mike with dirty plates in her hand

"Wha- oh yeah I am" mike nods giving Joyce his plate and then mike heats the front door open

"IM HOME!!" A deepish male voice yells from the living room and Jane shoots up running to the living room

"Dad!!" Jane squeals hugging the man and he smiles

"Hi Jane, you look so different I haven't seen you in forever" the man smiles and jane smiles back

"I missed you" she smile the man looks over at mike with a serious look

"Are you my daughter's boyfriend she was telling me you were bringing?"the man sternly says, mike gulps before nodding

"Yes sir, my names Micheal wheeler, mike for short" mike says nervously putting his hands behind his back

"Well I'm janes dad Jim, Jim hopper, but never call me Jim. Just call me hopper." Hopper says and mike nods

"Dad don't scare him" Jane sighs

"Sorry Jane it's just I gotta make sure they know I'm not messing around with them" hopper says and Jane sighs and mike walks over to the couches and sits on the 1 person couch

"How's it like living with your mom?" Hopper ask and Jane shrugs

"I mean okay, she doesn't really talk much anymore but she's really nice she always lets me hang out with Mike" Jane smiles

"Yeah I might have to talk to her about that one" hopper mumbles

"Dad please give him a chance, he might seem rude and irresponsible but he's really nice you just got to know him" have pouts and hopper sighs

"Ok, but I swear to god if he hurts you I will fly all the way to Hawkins and murder the son of a bitch." hopper promise and Jane giggles

"Well mike and I are going to get ready for bed goodnight dad" Jane smiles and she looks at mike signaling for them to go to janes room


Next chapters going to be interesting (smuty)🧍🏽‍♀️

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