89 1 16

3rd person

May 29th

Once Will is done brushing his teeth and washing his face he walks out the restroom turning of the lights to the restroom walking to his room

Will passes by Jane's room which the door is still cracked open but the lights are off

Will stands outside of the bedroom door for a few seconds because Will hears low small grunts and groans coming from the room

They were almost so low that you couldn't hear, but oh Will heard them.

Wills eyes widen as he hears the noises coming from the room and his breath hitches as he hears his name form out of one of the grunts that was let out from the room

What the hell. Wills mind is going through all different directions and his heart is pounding

Will is in absolute disbelief in what he just heard it's too much of a shock to Will that Mike would do that especially with the door open!!

Will had inched closer to the door as he heard the sounds get louder, Will then peaked through the door to see a unexpected sight

The lights were off but Will could still see the sight of Mike laying on the bed with his lower half  completely exposed

Mike was jerking off.

Correction, Mike was jerking off moaning Wills name.

Will stand there for a moment just watching until Mike makes eye contact with him

He must have felt the eyes on him.

Will gasps once Mike makes eye contact with him and Mike grins once he sees Will looking at him and he starts moving his hand faster and he purposely starts moaning and groaning even more

Wills eyes widen as mikes noise get louder and he quickly gets in the room and he closes the door to cancel out some of the noise that Mike was making and-


10am May 30th

Will wakes up from the sun beaming on his face and he groans trying to turn the other way before he try's he realizes that he wasn't in his room

Wills eyes widened as he shot up to sit up and he looked around his surroundings and he realized he was in Jane's room

Will furrows his eyes brow a but then he feels the air hit his bare skin and he looks down at himself and he sees himself completely naked and he lets out a gasp as he looks next to him to see a sleeping naked Mike laying next to him

Wills eyes widened what the fuck happened last night Will asked himself as he doesn't remember anything from the night before

but then Will feels his head pounding and he feels something arising from his throat and will quickly runs to the trash can Jane has in her room and he barfs

there's the answer.

Once Will is done throwing up he hears shuffling and groaning from behind him and he turns around and he sees Mike siting up while rubbing his eyes

"What the fuck h-" Mike starts of but then he is cut off as he sees a naked wills sitting in front of the trash can and his eyes widened as he looked down at himself to see he was also clothe less

"What the fuck happened last night?" Mike mumbles scratching his head and Will looks back at him

"I don't know you tell me." Will sasses and Mike screws his face

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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