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Third person

Mike quickly pins Will to the door that had just been shut looking at him with lust and need before smashing his lips with wills, wills hand tangles in mikes hair tugging on it making mike groan

Mike pulls his lips away from wills and he looks at Will again looking at his now swollen and bruised lips thinking he looks absolutely gorgeous before going down and sucking around wills neck trying to find his sensitive spot

"Mike, oh my god" will gasps rolling his eyes back and tightening his grip on mikes hair moaning loudly letting mike know he found the right spot leaving mike sucking and bite that spot continuously

Mike pulls away looking at his work feeling proud and he looks at Will seeing his doe eyes looking at him with lust and absolute need and mike groans

"Fuck" mike breathes "shit you look like a goddess" mike says before kissing Will once more loving the taste and feeling of Will, when mike pulls away he notices his very noticeable hard on and he groans

"shit, bed. bed, now."mike demands and then the two rush to the bed and mike sits down and will scrambles on top of him straddling mikes hips, mikes hand grip to wills sides then will sitting himself down unintentionally sitting exactly on Mikes errection and mike groans in wills ear

Will then starts rolling his hips down on mikes making mikes grip on wills hips tighten

"fuck" mike breaths and will looks at him with innocent doe eyes and mike puts one of his hands under wills chin

"mike please" will whimpers

"Shh" Mike shushes removing Will off his lap then laying down giving Will a look and Will takes the hint getting closer to mikes crotch and slowly unbuttoning mike jeans biting his lower lip

Once Will got mikes jeans thrown to the side he stares at mikes erection that the only thing keeping him from seeing it is the thin layer of boxers

Will lowers down to mike crotch and kisses mikes clothes erection making mike gasp, Will then gains the confidence and he then licks along the outline of mikes dick

"Shit will" mike groan bucking his hips up and will smirks putting two fingers in the band of mikes boxer then pulling them down to mikes knees

Mike shoots up breathing heavily looking around seeing that's he's in janes room in her bed and Jane was soothingly sleeping

Fuck it was a dream.

It was just a dream.

Mike looks down at his crotch seeing that he had made a mess and he sighs

"Shit" mike curses sucking his teeth, mike gets out of the bed and he goes to his suitcase and he pulls out a pair of sweats and boxers then he makes his way to the restroom to take a shower

Once mike steps in the shower he starts to think about his dream that he just had and he sighs

"What the fuck" mike curses under his breath, why did he just have that dream, mike just met the man and he's already having fucking sex dreams!!

Mike scoffs rinsing out his hair, come on he should be having those type of dreams about Jane, his girlfriend!!

Thinking about it Mike really never even had thoughts like that with Jane, well Jane would try and stuff but mike was never in the mood and he really couldn't get it up

The deepest think he ever did with Jane was fondle with her boob and leave a one small hickey on her collar bone but that's all

Why the hell doesn't mike want to do that stuff with Jane, like have sex dreams or something

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