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    Secondary School III
    Precious pov
      Dear Diary,
              The exams had started. Infact it was almost over. The time for me to leave was fast approaching and I haven't spoken to Daniel for weeks.
     Before the exams Daniel was a little bit more supportive. He picked my calls and texted me more. I know that he was trying to make up for the times he failed to be a good partner.
     But ever since the exams started Daniel really hasn't spoken to me. I understand he's worried about the exams but we all are. It doesn't mean that we stop speaking to each other.
      I think he is overobssessing about the exams. I heard from Joel that he hasn't even spoken to him as well. But I wish that he would just talk to is. I wish that he could see that we are all here for him.
      Precious pov
     Dear Diary,
           The exams are over. I'm leaving in a week's time. I was hoping that when my uncle and aunt heard that I was leaving they would feel a little bit sad or remorseful for how they treated me but instead they were estatic. Like they had gotten rid of their biggest problem.
        I was in Daniella house crying when Daniel called. At first seeing his call made me happy. I missed his comforting nature  and I really needed all the comfort I could get at the moment. But I also remembered how he abandoned me. How he left me alone while I was struggling at this very challenging moment of my life. I tried my best to always be there for him but he never noticed. Maybe I did a bad job or maybe he was just too blind to see me but I couldn't continue to be left on the sidelines till he was ready to notice me.
      Daniel's pov
         " You keep on shouting at me. It wasn't my fault. I had my own problems to deal with."
        " But that's the thing. You didn't need to deal with your problems alone. We could have dealt with it together. You have friends. We're here for you and you should be there for us." Precious shouted back.
      I was at Joel's house. Precious called me out of the blue after ignoring me for days and asked me if I could meet her at Joel's house. She wanted to say goodbye to the both of us because she was leaving this week. Now instead of us hugging each other and wishing ourselves the best we were shouting at each other at the top of our lungs.
       " I was reading for exams." I replied agitated.
       " Didn't we all have exams. Weren't we all reading? Did we ignore each other? No. But you do that all the time." Precious replied equally angry.
       We stood there glaring at each other for sometime before she spoke again,"I'm leaving tomorrow."
       " Huh?"
      " I'm leaving tomorrow." She repeated.
      " But the exams just ended. You can't be leaving so soon."
     " You would have known if you hadn't ignored me."
     " I tried to contact you for days now." I said almost shouting again.
     " Really? Really? After ignoring me for how long? I clearly told you that I was leaving after the exams. You knew how sad and confused I was. But yet you weren't there for me." Precious angrily said poking my chest with her finger.
      " Precious I'm sorry. I....."
       " I'm not angry with you Daniel. I just wanted to see you for the last time. I'm grateful for all the help that you gave me. For the times you listened and comforted me. When you knew that I didn't need pity but just a good laugh. You helped me a lot and I tried my best to help you too. You didn't see that though. But thank you for everything you did for me." Precious said teary-eyed.
       I had messed up. Like always. And now I lost Precious as well. I lost a valuable friend because of my stupidity.
      Precious was leaving when she abruptly turned around," I also want to let you know that you are a great person,Daniel. But you need to see those around you. There are a lot of people around you that could be great friends. I just hope that you finally start to notice how great you are and how great it will be to have friends around you. Goodbye."
        I did leave the next day. My new family were happy to have me and I got a surprise the very next day; a smartphone. I always thought that after I moved here I would loose contact with everyone I knew. I had gotten so used to being in an abusive family that I didn't remember what it felt like to be in a real family.
       I started chatting with Daniella and most of my schoolmates. I was going to miss them all. I also started chatting with Joel. He and Daniel friendship have become stronger. I didn't speak to Daniel immediatly because I wanted a little space to think and clear my head after our relationship ended. I didn't want to start that confusing situation over again.
     I did speak to Daniel a little while later. He was doing fine and he said he was trying to be a better person. I knew that he would be able to do it.
      When he asked how I was I could truly say that I felt totally happy with my life.
                ~ END~

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