chapter 2

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???? Pov:

"Was the test good?" No, it wasn't. I feel like I at least got an 80%, computer science is so annoying but I don't have the heart to fail. My mother will scold me, definitely

"Not good" oikawa shrugged, as this wasn't a serious problem. Maybe it isn't, for him but for me I'll be dead. I ignored him and opened the locker door. Suddenly, my books fell and so did a letter

"Eh? A letter fell, is it a confession letter?" Confession letters weren't rare but weren't common either, a lot of people just randomly came up and confessed to me

"Open it!" Like hell I'll let you into my business, I took it and shove it in my backpack. I'll read it at home

"Let's go karaoke!" Oikawa invited, this isn't common. He loves inviting us to different places, guess being rich is a benefit. "No-"

"And then we can go back to my house, and let me remind you I have a NINTENDO SWITCH" kenma rolled his eyes, and remains silent since he knows he can't win over oikawa

The karaoke is near the school so we just walked. He booked a room beforehand and we had some time there

"Let's sing oh my god by gidle!"

"Your obsession with g-idle is at another level"

"I don't care~" I mean gidle is such an amazing artist, hating on them must be a crime

We spend the whole evening karaoking and time at his house. We first do homework then play some games, and then swam in his pool

Night-time came not that long, "I gotta go" I said, everyone nodded since they know how my mom is. I called a cab and it took me home

"I'm home!" I yelled as loud as I can, putting my shoes on the rack and I went back home

"Homeworks done, I should shower" and so I did. Wearing my pajamas, I remembered the letter in my bag

"Found it!" I opened it, and a paper fell out "is this really a confession letter.."

Hello!! I'm a third year in fukurodani high but I think you already know! :)

"What a weirdo.." this is so weird, like so random. More random than a sudden confession. This being a confession letter would be better than this

What a waste of paper

But is it a waste of paper 👀 what is there's a deeper meaning 😨???
Anyways hope y'all enjoy 💞

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