chapter 15

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Bokuto was having a hard time writing notes to akaashi, since he doesn't really know what to write especially the fun facts. He wants to write something not so obviously but not so useless

"My head hurts!" Bokuto placed his head down which caught kuroo's attention "need help?"

"How would you help?"

"EXCUSE YOU! I'll have you know kenma is friends with akaashi so I'm more capable to fucking help you"

"Jeez alright" it's better than nothing! He thought

Bokuto handed the note to Kuroo and Kuroo read it, it was short and not much meaning

"If I see this note, I would honestly think you're a weirdo"

"Bro I tell you to help me not laugh at me"

"Sorry sorry!" Kuroo thought for a while before starting to write

Maybe he should have just told bokuto what to write since his handwriting isnt really like bokuto

"Make sure to write it again with your handwriting"

Bokuto read the note and Holy shit he was impressed, "I..LOVE IT!" Kuroo knew he was a master in these corny love things

"Alright come on, you need to hurry, lunch is about to end" bokuto quickly rewrote it with his handwriting and quickly slid it into the locker

*DING!* the bell rang, bokuto and Kuroo went to their class while the second years went for lunch "we should throw a party! My house"

"Please don't"

"Don't worry kenken, it's just us with atsumu and a few of my friends!"

"You have a lot of friends"

"Don't worry it's like one or two"

"I'm guessing you're going to drag me"

"DING DING DING!" The group went for lunch, and chatted until lunch ended

But akaashi..he wasn't paying attention to anything but his thoughts, he was so worked out about this note he can barely even last 2 minutes before blanking out



"Akaashi?" Everyone try calling him, none worked

"Keji~" oikawa whisper closely to his ear which made him snap back to reality "huh?"

"Welcome back!"

"Sorry, I'm really stressed these pass few days"

"No shit" kenma was quite curious why got him like this but with just a few thoughts, he knows why but decided to stay silent since he wants to have his fun

"Did you say something important? I kinda blanked out"

"We can see that. It's nothing, I just talked about what we could do there"

"Oh..well what should we do?"

"Maybe swim, then karaoke and then barbecue?"

"sure sounds fun" oikawa smiled and continued to discuss more. Akaashi suddenly thought of something so he left the group to receive it

Akaashi opened the door and a letter fell, the letter he was expecting. He shoved it into his bag and went back to the group

"I'm guessing you went to receive the letter?"


"It's becoming a routine jeez"

"I know"

"If I were you, I'll probably call the cops"

"Nah they won't do shit"


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