chapter 3

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It was an early morning and akaashi didn't feel like waking up, he wanted to sleep more but couldn't. He forced himself up and got ready

Yawning, he reached the school and saw kenma arriving as well, he caught up with him when kenma stopped to take off his shoes

"Morning kenma"

"Mm.. morning"

"Did you sleep yesterday?"

"Yeah bout 3 hours"

"That's late, usually you'll take a nap"

"I guess I felt tired yesterday" jeez, well kenma sleeping for 3 hours is long for him but quite short...akaashi even bet he's going to die at the age of 20 but let's not hope for that

He saw the rubbish bin and threw the note, well he wouldn't want this lying in his house, it's just going to be a waste of space

"Was that the note from yesterday?"


"Mm.. Why'd you throw it?"

"Because it's useless" kenma gave him a 'really' face and he nodded. Then he went back to his usual face, they talked while walking to class, "alright, see you at lunch"

"Mhm" he went inside his class and akaashi went to find his, cuz you know they aren't in the same class

Class hasn't started so only a few students were there. He sat down on his seat, and took out his phone to waste some time. What he mostly did was go on Reddit and read some stuff

'DING!!!' the bell sound was so sharp and loud It could almost make him go deaf! He put away his phone and got out a book to write some notes and doodle a little

"Alright class, let's do some revision and pop quiz" it's normal for our class to have a pop quiz every week, so everybody got used to it and nobody really cares since it doesn't count our grades

20 minutes later, the teacher told everyone to clean their table and only have a pen, correction-tape and ruler on the table

The pop quiz was over really soon since the teacher only gave them 5 minutes to finish it

The class went on like usual, they did some extra work, revision and personal study. What akaashi mostly did was extra work and personal study, the rest of the time he used it for drawing. Which thankfully fooled the teacher

After class, he packed his things up and went to his lockers where people were surrounding another guy, he ignored it and went to oikawa and the others

"Jeez..bokuto is so popular, wish I was him"

"Aren't you popular?"

"Yeah! But like not him popular, bro he has all the girls on their knees!"


"He's buff, kind, funny, amazing at volleyball..and I don't know what else"

"What about his dumbness, bro once he asked me 'Why do they call them pig-tails if pigs only have 1 tail?' Like what the fuck am I supposed to say"

Akaashi laughed at how kenma is so annoyed, "oh keji~ what did the letter say"

"Random stuff" oikawa gave him a 'huh' look but akaashi didn't respond, all he needs to know it's random. Akaashi opened his locker door and found another letter "what the-"

"Open it!"

"Nah, don't wanna"

"Bro just open it"

"No" oikawa rolled his eyes and akaashi felt someone was staring at him, but he didn't think too much and followed the group to the cafeteria

"Bro you're so obsessed"

"No I'm not!"

"Sure sure"

👀 who may that be??? Y'all prob already know

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