chapter 5

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"class hasn't started yet, go do your thing" bokuto got the note out from his backpack and slid it into the locker, thankfully nobody saw

The moment he turned around, girls mostly third years surrounded him, he didn't mind he loves to talk with others but sometimes hearing everybody speak at once can be confusing

"Whoa whoa, calm down ladies. Bokuto needs to go to the nurse's office"

"I do?" Kuroo rolled his eyes and stepped on his foot

"Yeah!! I do!" Kuroo knew bokuto is going to get moody later but hey saving him, he should be grateful

"I'll bring him!" "No me!" "Bokuto-san, I can show you"

"Now now ladies, I'm bringing my best bro. So shoo" Kuroo and bokuto finally left the circle and "Why'd you step on my foot so hard"

"Be grateful I even saved you, if not I would have let you drown" bokuto pretend to be hurt but not even a minute left he broke character

"You slid the note in?"


"Alright, let's get to class" Kuroo was still questioning why not just confess straight up, if you get rejected that's that but he can't complain since he can't really confess to his crush either

Bokuto like always couldn't concentrate cuz of two things, volleyball and akaashi

The last 5 minutes were torture to him, the time was going so slow and all he wants is to leave. "Alright, that's all for today. Hope to see you again" everybody quickly pack their things and left

Mostly, students were already getting ready to go home but not bokuto, he was rushing to go to the court

"Yo, bo. Just in time! Get change and come help us!" Bokuto nodded and immediately changed, after changing he went and help set the net

"Alright, warm up!" He yelled, everyone did what they were told and after resting they decided to do a 3-3 match

"No fair! You can't have bokuto on your team! He should be in ours!"

"Yeah no, fuck off. I'm goodbuds with bokuto, so he should be in our team"

"Yeah yeah whatever"

"So we agree"

"Mhm, we're agreeing that bokuto should be on OUR TEAM!"

"Fuck you" bokuto wanted more drama but this is just wasting his time right now. "Alright! Everybody calm down. We're going to flip a coin"

"Not the coin" bokuto ignored him anyways and borrowed a coin from Yukie

"Konoha is heads and washio is tails"

Bokuto flipped the coin and it landed on..

"Please lord, I already suffer enough" konoha begged, "heads"


"I still have it till this day" Washio went and called another player, ohhh he didn't care if bokuto was in his team or not. All he knows is that he wants to annoyed the heck out of konoha

"Time out! Time out!" Bokuto called, and everyone regroup to discuss some strategies and rest or catch their breath

"Bokuto, would you mind if you do some of your cross-shots?"

"Of course no problem!" While everyone continues to discuss, bokuto listened while observing the place

And then he spotted a certain male sitting in the stands(or something like that)

Akaashi be coming left and right 😃😀

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