chapter 10

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Akaashi's pov:

Jeez I'm so nervous..why? I also don't know, this is my first time going to someone's house that isn't oikawa so I don't know how to feel bout that

"Are you nervous?" My mother asked "yeah..a little" she smiled and went silent

"Turn right and your destination is on your left" my mother did that, and stopped the car once she turned a right. I looked at the house through the window and holy shit, that house..that fucking house is so big. Bigger than goddamn oikawa's

I got out of the car and said goodbye to my mother, I rang the doorbell and waited outside so somebody could answer. The door opened and a girl about 11 years old answered"

"Who are you..?"

"Uhm, is bokuto koutarou home?"

"I'm his sister..why?"

"I'm here to tutor him" she had a skeptical face and closed the door, not letting me in. Soon after, the door opened again and this time she had a smile on her face "come in! Sorry about letting you stand outside" she apologized. What a nice kid

But let's not that about that, let's talk about how huge the inside was, it was spacious. The celling was tall and everything look so modern and clean. Mostly everything is white like the couch, walls, vase and counter. Did I also mentioned the Aircon was on so the room was nice and cooling?

"BOKUTO! COME DOWN!" She yelled, that voice is sharp I'm shocked. "Ugh what?" Another voiced replied. I looked where the voice came from and of course it was bokuto

Usually his hair would be up but this time, it was down and he looked completely different

"Oh akaashi! Hi!"

"Hello, bokuto-san"

" is Saturday!?"

"You don't know?"

"Ah shit! I totally forget you were coming"

" that so. I mean I could leave and we can reschedule it for another day?"

"No need! Just come and follow me to my bedroom" I nodded and did as he was told

"Sorry, my room is a mess!" He apologized...I want to say is that his room is much cleaner than mine

He had two tables, one is a round glass table in the center while a marble square table is under his TV. We used the square table since it's more easier and convenient

"Alright, how about we start with math today?"

"Sure" and let's just say, it was a bit difficult to be honest at first but then he got the hang of it so I guess he isn't that bad I had worst

"I'm so tired! Exhausted!"

"How about a rest?"

"YAS!" his attitude does changed quickly, he flopped on his bed and stared at the ceiling for a minute before looking back at me "wanna sit?" He asked

"N-" before I could decline his offer, "come on! It's comfy!" He offered again, I sighed and sat on his bed. It's comfy, very soft and very nice "I'm hungry!"

"Wanna go have breakfast?"

"Bokuto-san, it's the afternoon"

"Oh really? Guess time goes by pretty fast" I guess, but the time I came was at 1 so he either wasn't looking at the time or his brain needs a check up


"Uh..sure" guess, it wouldn't hurt. He smiled and took my hand, pulling me downstairs. I sat down on the couch since he told me and he went to the pantry or something like that

"Hello" a girl then came and sat next to me, it wasn't the young girl but this one has black hair and white strike

"I'm Kiri, hi"

"Keji, nice to meet you"

"Ohh~ so you're that guy" what guy? I gave her a confused look but she just told me to ignored that. But how can I when you just made me curious

To be honest could someone tell us to ignored a thing when

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