chapter 11

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Bokuto's pov:

Holy shit, I can't stop looking at him. The way he speaks, walks, laughs even the way he eats is so majestic. He's just so perfect. Yes I know I'm down bad but like bffr, who isn't

"Need anything?"

"No sorry!"

"Dont worry, you're fine.." he smiled, gosh I could stare at that for hours! I went back to eating but stopped when he spoke up "hey bokuto-san.. you're a third year right?"


"Have you seen anyone near my locker..and well slip a letter in it?" Well yeah, he's literally in front of you. I would say if I was brave but I'm not! "No, why?"

"Ah.. nothing, forget what I said" he looked sad when he heard my response. NOW I FEEL BAD! :(

After we ate, we went back to my room. Akaashi sat on my bed and rested while I showered. Ps, I already told him

After showering, I forgot my clothes again...ah shit! I wrapped a towel around my waist and I yelled for akaashi

He didn't respond so I thought he left. So I left the bathroom, and he was there



"Sorry! You didn't respond so I thought you left" he nodded and closed his eyes, I got my clothes and went back into the bathroom

He's so cute, jeez wish my sisters are like that!

Anyways, I changed into my clothes and left the bathroom. Akaashi was on the floor, on the phone

"EXCUSE ME, don't talk when you're the one simping over for that damn gorilla looking ass" seems like he's talking to oikawa. I laid on the bed and watched YouTube

"Oh, didn't see you there" he climbed on the bed and sat down next to me, Gosh I want to hug him so bad. "Wanna watch YouTube together?"

"Sure" I connected my phone to the TV and watched some shows. At about 6 or 7 something like that. He had to leave, wish he could stayed longer....

"Bye akaashi!"

"Goodbye bokuto-san"

Akaashi is going to be thinking about bokuto's abs 24/7 🤭🤭 jk jk

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