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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Today had already been eventful. Dropping her daughter off at the airport and watching Navaeh get loaded on seemed to relieve a tremendous amount of stress from her shoulders. After throwing a text to Hayden's sister, letting her know Navy was in the air, she then turned and got into the truck. It was time for her to get over to the Hale residence and hope that Derek would be willing to listen to her.

Maybe after all the times they spent together, he might be willing to listen to the full story. Or, at least deep down she hoped he would. But Lore refused to get her hopes crushed, so instead she kept them at a moderate level. She could handle herself against him if he reacted badly, but damn she really hoped he accepted her story and possibly her in general. Pulling away from the airport, she could hear the plane fly over the truck and away from Beacon Hills.

Navaeh was safe. That's all that mattered.

The drive to the house didn't take too long, as apparently when stressed, Lore tended to drive with a led foot. But as she pulled up to the house, something seemed... wrong. Putting the truck in park, Lorelei shook her head. It's possible Derek was already inside, waiting. Hopping out of the truck and walking up to the house, Lorelei looked around the area in confusion. She didn't see Derek's car parked anywhere, and from what she could hear, there was no movement from inside. Slowly she walked up the steps, creaking under her weight before she pushed open the front door. "Derek?"

Walking into the place, she clicked her tongue for a moment as she looked around in the parlor, hands pressing against the doorframe before turning and checking in the opposite room. Raising an eyebrow, the woman made her way up the main staircase, fingers trailing along the bannister ever so slowly. Dust gathered on her skin as she made her way to the stop of the stairs, looking either direction in confusion. He had specifically told her to come to his place.

Did he really stand her up?

Shaking her head, Lore turned and took a seat on the stairs, glaring down at the front door. It didn't surprise her. After all, werewolves tended to stick to their own, and it was clear she wasn't them. Her shoulders sagged as she rolled her neck, it popping in the process. Reaching up, Lore grabbed onto the bannister to pull herself up, only to stop at the sound of something squealing in protest.

Ever so silently, Lorelei quickly got off from the stairs and slipped behind the hallway, listening for the sound again down below. When she heard footsteps walking down the hall, Lore narrowed her eyes. That wasn't Derek, not how much lighter it sounded. Derek had a harder walk, something that he wouldn't admit to. The damn man walked louder than bigfoot.

Yet when she heard the front door open, a gun being cocked, and those feet walking onto the porch, Lore silently cursed for leaving her gun in the truck. Ever so slowly, she peaked her head out, noticing a woman slightly older than her with a gun poised up towards the truck. The hunter turned, aiming the gun up the stairs, before Lorelei slowly walked around the corner, her hands up in surrender.

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