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Flexing her fingers, Lorelei watched as the two freshly turned werewolves eyed her as a target. A coy grin stretched over her lips as she arched an eyebrow, waiting for one of them to come at her. And soon, Isaac was rushing her. That boy went down far too fast as he went to give a wide swing, only to get hit with a palm to the chest and send him to the ground. Another jumped at her back, only to get tossed to the ground as well when Lore put her hands down and lifted herself up, using her legs to catch the female wolf and sending her toppling to the side.

"You both are leaving far too much open," she would explain afterwards while looking at them, "think of it like this: you're acting more like a door than a house." Confusion stretched on all of their faces, Derek watching from the sidelines. "A door only has two options, swing this way or swing that way. You know it'll only do one of two things: open or close." Crossing her arms, Lore grinned as Isaac stood up and Erica followed suit.

"And a house?" Erica questioned.

"A house can be used to keep you warm and safe from the environment, store food, and simply the smaller amenities that are necessary. Basically, a house is used not just for one or two things, it has an assortment of things. If you keep fighting like you are, you'll become predictable. And if hunters are constantly evolving, why can't werewolves?"

"How would you know what hunters do?" Isaac asked, grabbing a slice of pizza and watching her curiously.

Lorelei looked over at Derek in surprise. "You didn't tell them?" Pushing off from the wall, their Alpha made his way on over.

"I figured that was something for you to disclose," he answered. Isaac and Erica couldn't help but notice how close the two were, but despite Isaac's speculations, Erica still was unsure if the two were a couple or not.

Giving a nod, Lore looked towards the two. "I was once a hunter," she explained, watching as their eyes widened, freezing in their motion. "I didn't hunt the supernatural, but I did go after hunters that broke the code. That doesn't mean I didn't know how other hunters did their business. So yes, I know they evolve in the modern world, and in order for innocent creatures to survive as well, they must evolve too. So, who wants to try again?"

Erica pushed herself up, earning a bright smile from the ex-huntress. "That's a good girl. Now come at me, but keep your arms close. If they're wide open, you're making yourself a bigger target than you want to be, and bullets are unforgiving." Gritting her teeth, Erica nodded, taking the woman's advice to heart, before she ran straight at her.

Making her way into the cafeteria, Navy took a seat on the opposite end that Boyd sat at. While the two didn't talk, she still found his presence comforting, and she couldn't even explain why. With her tray in front of her, she popped the small straw spot in her milk carton before opening her book and propping it next to the tray.

Nolan and Gabe both weren't at school today, and boy was her classes insanely boring without them. She never realized how much entertainment they provided on a regular basis, so instead she now was engulfed in her fantasy book. Sure, she could be reading what was assigned in English class, but that topic was much more boring than the dragon that was currently attacking the fortress.

Reaching for her drink, Navy couldn't help but notice Stiles sitting across from Boyd and the two were exchanging words. The former had money in his hand while the latter held a set of keys. Was this some sort of deal? Making sure to keep to herself, the girl slipped her phone from her pocket and checked for any text messages from Hayden.

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