28: Unexpected Turns

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**Chapter 28: Unexpected Turns**

The classroom had settled into its usual morning rhythm; students chatted and settled down, prepping for the lesson ahead. Shoto, deep in thought, still waited for Bakugou to talk about the surgery. But his contemplation was abruptly cut short by the entrance of a teacher, followed closely by Fuyumi. The atmosphere in the room grew tense.

Fuyumi's face was drawn and somber, her usually lively eyes clouded with concern. This stark contrast to her usual cheerful demeanor immediately had Shoto on edge. He shifted in his seat, anxiety knotting in his stomach. What could possibly have happened to warrant such an unexpected visit?

Whispers filled the room, but they faded into the background as the accompanying teacher leaned in to whisper something to their class teacher. The entire class waited in bated anticipation, trying to piece together the puzzle. Shoto's heart raced; he fully expected to be called out, given Fuyumi's presence.

But to everyone's surprise, Fuyumi bypassed Shoto entirely and walked straight to Bakugou's desk. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. All eyes were on Bakugou as Fuyumi gently asked him to come with her.

Bakugou looked as taken aback as everyone else, his confident facade slipping for just a moment to reveal genuine confusion. He glanced at Shoto, as if searching for an answer, before reluctantly standing up and following Fuyumi out of the classroom.

The door clicked shut behind them, leaving a room full of stunned students. Whispers erupted again, each student speculating and theorizing about what just transpired.

Midoriya leaned over to Shoto, "Do you know what's going on?"

Shoto shook his head, the weight of worry pressing down on him. "No idea, but I have a bad feeling."

Uraraka added, "Everything seemed fine just a few days ago. What could've changed so suddenly?"

The bell rang, snapping everyone back to the present, but the atmosphere remained heavy with unease. The questions were many, but the answers were nowhere in sight.

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