Ch 3 (Hallucinating)

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On the way Jisoo was quiet and her face still had a trace of fear.

Lisa thought of asking her what happened but decided it would be better to keep quiet if Jisoo wants to tell her then she will .

They both reached Lisa's apartment, both their clothes were fully drenched. Lisa gave Jisoo a pair of her T-shirt and sweatpants.

After changing they both settled down to do their work . Jisoo's mood was better now, she doesn't have that gloomy face any more.

Lisa still thought what happened but later brushed it of.

"Lisa as far I know the opponent team's player had quite a skill, one of them had also participated in an international competition, and the other three are also not bad. There will be two matches between four college and our opponents are the first college"
Jisoo told

"But how do you know who are participating from the opponent team?" Lisa asked curiously

" one of my friend is in that college " Jisoo told.

"They have quite nice player how are we going to compete? In these team only you and I are there and the other two are still uncertain" Lisa asked Jisoo

"I am quite good in these" Jisoo told while patting her chest.

"I know you will not disappoint us" Lisa told then patted Jisoo on her head, Jisoo pushed her hand and told

"yah! I am older than you "
then they both broke into laughter.

"Don't worry and the one I told you about whom I asked, he just now message me that he will be participating and you know what he had own two to three prizes in debate and Lisa you are not bad either "

Lisa nooded then told "Then only, we need one more person"

she scratch her chin and thought who might want to participate then suddenly she remember of someone and told Jisoo

" Sister Jisoo  I know a boy he might agree, wait let me give him a call"

and then went up to find her phone. They both were in the living room and Lisa had kept her Phone in her bedroom for charging.

That time Jisoo also excuse herself to go to the washroom. After Lisa went Jisoo slowly entered the washroom and closed the door from inside.

Then slowly she chanted two words and in second smoke started to appear around her and a screen formed in front of her .

In the screen there was a man wearing a dress that is quite unusual

"Yes, how may I help you your grace"

the man spoke then bowed to Jisoo.

"Quickly find the details of the shop in the picture I send you"

Jisoo spoke but now her voice was more strong and strict unlike the real her.

"Yes your grace I will follow your orders right away".

Jisoo just nooded in acknowledge and then gradually the smoke disappear.

Jisoo quickly went out of the washroom and by that time Lisa had already came there.

She was talking with someone on the phone . The moment Lisa saw Jisoo she showed a thumbs up to Jisoo to say that she had succeeded in asking that boy to participate.

Then after some minutes she kept the phone and Jisoo told

"Then we are all done and now we had to work hard" .

Straight for two hours they discuss about the debate.

It was half past five when Jisoo left. Lisa walked her to the door then bid good buy.

Walking out from Lisa's apartment Jisoo rushed towards the direction of the shop but unfortunately it was no where to be found by the time Jisoo reached.

"Damn it"

she cursed and then went on her way.


After Jisoo left Lisa went to cook some food . She was not so good at cooking but it was not bad either.

After cooking something and eating it Lisa went to her bedroom to study for her exams.

After the talk with Jisoo they decide to take some help from internet and books.

She thought that these coming weekend she would go to a book shop or library to buy or borrow some .

The night was quiet , and apartment was dark with no source of light .

In the dim light , the cold white moonlight shown through the window of the bedroom , making it visible.

The window near the bed was swiftly open with a gush of wind.

The cold breeze entered the room making the person sleeping on the bed frowned.

Still half asleep Lisa slightly moved her hands to grab a blanket to cover herself up.

But unfortunately there was none. So she had no choice but to get out of her bed to go and search for a blanket.

But after getting up from her bed the frowned on her face deepened, she had remembered clearly that she had closed the window and locked it from inside.

. She didn't pondered about it much and just went to close it but the moment she reached the window to close it .

she saw a shadow of a person vanished from the side.

Lisa got a little afraid she gathered her courage and slowly took a vase from her bedside table and then peeped her head from the window but there was no sign of anyone there.

She withdraw her head and closed the window and locked it.

She thought she must be hallucinating and didn't stay there for long and turned on her heels and left to retrieve a blanket from her closet.

After taking the blanket ,she covered herself and then drifted to sleep.


A man covered in a hood was standing near a wall in the middle of the night and gazing upstairs at the window of a apartment.

He waited for sometime and the window was suddenly opened and with in two minutes a girl head was peeking out but by that time the black hooded man had disappeared into thin air.

Then the man hiding was visible again , he didn't waste any time and turned on his hell and went from there after standing for sometime with a smirk on his face.

The man excluded a dangerous aura around him , even the strongest person would get afraid to see him .

The man was soon in a abandoned area with no form of life there only a broken building and some wild plants all around .

But in that darkness a portal started to appear making the whole are bright with its light, the light was so intense.

It was hard for people to see inside it. The man strod towards the portal and blend with it and the moment he was inside the portal closed behind him.


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