Chapter 1

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The sun rose slowly on the horizon. Purples caressing pinks, folding into oranges wrapping around the orb of light. A cold nip carried itself on the wind, kissing the red face of the captain. Standing at the highest point of the mountain wall, the path previously carved by dwarves, reached the average man's hips. Another figure glided up to the captain's side standing so much taller that it made the shadow of the sunrise even more chilly.

"Yes, your majesty?" the captain asked.

"What are we looking at Vipin?" the prince asked.

"Just enjoying the view," Vipin said, her red curls catching on the swaying wind brushing against her cheeks. She pulled her hood closer, her eyes scanning the horizon.

"Winter is eager, summer was barely over a decade," the prince sighed, his hair brushing against his forehead, his eyes glowing a honey color in the glaring sun.

"Too eager," Vipin hissed, her stony expression still fixed on the sun rise. "If this winter is nearly as harsh as the last it is going to be a long one indeed."

Sighing Vipin turned around and started back down the mountain path to the entrance, "What are you here for Liam?" The prince quickly hopped into step with the captain, shortening his strides to match hers.

"Well, I was going to come to your room and ask if you wanted to get first meal with me, but Sarah answered the door and said that you weren't there when she had arrived this morning," he answered chipperly.

"Well half of my guard are posted at watch, and the other half are either asleep or waking to train the recruits, I can take a watch or two from them," Vipin replied casually, nodding at the guard who held the door open for both to pass. Liam nodded his acknowledgment and laced his fingers behind his head.

"Well, my father is hosting a council meeting this morning and expects us both to be there." Vipin took a sharp deep breath and nodded. Following Liam in down the spiral staircases and dim hallways to the council chamber. She detested being called to the council meetings, but as Captain she had to attend most if not all meetings these days.

The most important discussion starting to be the war with autumn starting to creep its way across the country.

She used to be able to get out of most of the council's gatherings, never having been a fan of nobles nor them of her.

But there were trying times ahead of them, the war seemed to be standing still. More than half of their men were in the Glaciese mountains, fighting a stale mate war alongside the dwarves. Now with winter on the way, the support of Aurum will take several months to get to them.

Liam and Vipin were the second to Grace, the city's shaman. Liam took his place on the right side of his father, the king, and Vipin took her place to the right of him. Vipin nodded respectfully to Grace who bowed her own.

They were soon joined by the King's hand, Uther, and the court's mage, Oasid. Uther taking his place on the King's left, Oasid sitting beside Grace. Everyone stood when the King and Queen entered, with a gruff "sit", they all took their seats again.

"I called this meeting because a letter from Azeal has reached me this morning," Robert said taking a deep breath. "They found one of their villages, Danditrat, to the east burned to ashes. If there have been survivors, they have not found them."

The room tensed. Liam and Vipin exchanged looks with raised brows, air sucking crisply between everyone's lips.

"It could be nothing," Robert said dismissively, though everyone could still hear his doubt. "Or it could be bandits that we must send a party to track down. And it could be a rouge pack of orcs that got past the men fighting in the Glaciese Mountains."

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