Chapter 3

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The way to Finviti was long and cold. The rain had doused most of the fire in the forest by now, and they could see the trees that it hadn't been able to touch a few miles away from town. The towns folk might not even know there was a fire in the forest outside Finviti to begin with. It was almost nighttime when the group made it to the outskirts. The rain had started to drift into a drizzle instead of a down pour. They found a tavern as close to the outskirts as they could, still far enough into town to put Alex on edge but he didn't raise the subject again. 

Liam and Vipin went inside leaving Alex to watch the horses under a tree outside the tavern. They made their way to the bar where a short, small framed person was washing glasses with their back turned to them.

Liam cleared his throat, "Excuse me Ma'am-"

"It's Sir," the bar keep grumbled turning around, his voice soft, face round and eyes squinting in challenge at the pair.

"My apologies Sir," Liam corrected himself. "We need a room with three beds and boarding for three horses."

The bar keep looked at the two, still cleaning the mug in his hands. "I've got one room, four beds, and the best thing I have for horses is a pen and shack for them to come and go out of the rain."

"How much," Vipin asked. The bar keep eyed them putting down his mug.

Finally, he shrugged, his glare lifting, "Seventy-five." Liam nodded and handed him the coins and he counted them in his palm. 

"Mags!" the bar keep shouted over his shoulder. "My wife will take you to your room, the pen is out back for your horses." Vipin and Liam thanked him as a woman taller than him with a round face to match kissed his cheek and led them away.

She led them to their room upstairs and turned to them. "I'm sure Eli told you where the pen is, but if you need food or drink let one of us know. If the fire goes out come find me," Mags said. The two voiced their thanks and she left the room. 

They made their way back outside to collect Alex and their horses. There was a stable boy outside in the shack who helped them set up food and water, storing their gear for them in a shed behind the tavern. The three grabbed what they needed for the night and made their way back inside to their room. They took off their armor and spread out their bed rolls to dry by the fire.

Liam offered to go get some ale, but Alex insisted that he go in his stead with Vipin's encouragement. When Alex left the room Liam slumped into a chair.

"He worries too much," Liam grumbled taking off his boots to let his feet dry.

"You don't worry enough," Vipin chastised him sitting cross legged by the fire.

"No one would even know who I am," Liam insisted leaning his head back.

"Unless they do," she retaliated. "We were sent with you to keep you safe just as much as we were sent to find out what happened at Danditrat. We can't protect you if we aren't with you. I support your decision to hunt alone, but we aren't on the road anymore."

"Speaking of Danditrat," Liam said leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Do you think what happened today could be what happened there?"

"A random strike of lightening has been known to set a town ablaze," Vipin said the orange of the fire reflecting ominously in her eyes. "But that wouldn't explain why there were no refugees."

"I might have an idea." Alex had just entered the room again holding three full mugs and a full pitcher. "But you're going to want a drink before I say anything."

Vipin and Liam looked at each other with raised brows as Alex handed them each a mug. He raised his own in a mock cheers and started chugging so the other two followed suit.

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