Chapter 16

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They had followed Thereiss further down the tunnel to another room. The walls were filled with dusty books, dried herbs, and salves some of which looked dried out. The tables around the room were scattered with forgotten open books and glass vials, with so many layers of dust that it looked like they hadn't been touched in years.

Thereiss pulled a chair to the middle of the room, ordering Liam to sit and shed his shirt. He tossed his jacket and shirt to Vipin before he sat down, his left hand rubbing up and down the scars on his right arm. Thereiss moved silently around the room double checking labels of bottles and adding them to a small bowl.

"You look like you're going to fall asleep," Liam joked his hand dropping into his lap.

"I might," Vipin admitted, sitting on the floor across from him.

"You could have gone to sleep; I can do this alone."

"Where you go, I go."

"I'm just getting some medicine, Vipin."

"Always," Vipin pressed, and Liam sighed rolling his eyes. Thereiss came in between them, looking curiously at Liam's injured arm. He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"You're very lucky, this is a minor burn."

"Minor?" Liam asked.

Thereiss nodded his head. "Yes, otherwise we wouldn't be able to heal it this long after infliction. If you had an arm at all." Liam's chest twisted uncomfortably, and he looked passed Thereiss to Vipin, whose face was perfectly blank, but eyes were quivering with fear.

Thereiss washed his hands in a basin and dried them, picking up the bowl he was tossing ingredients into earlier. The ointment had a honey color, a strong earthy odor that wasn't unpleasant, and it felt like butter as Thereiss spread it generously across Liam's burns.

"Hold your arm like that," Thereiss ordered, ensuring that Liam's arm was extended away from his body before riffling through the shelves. "They are minor, but it has been too long for you to heal completely with one treatment, you will need at least two more over the next few weeks," Thereiss told him after finding a roll of soft white fabric and starting to wrap it around his arm. "But this should give you more mobility than you currently have."

"Thank you," Liam smiled, inspecting his arm.

"You're welcome," Thereiss nodded. "Now, I'll bring you to Oasid, I'm sure he's in the dining hall."

They both stood and followed Thereiss out of the room and back down the hall. They ascended the stairs and - to no one's surprise - Oasid was waiting in the dining hall, with Ajlen and Ryland. There was rich tomato soup and more cheese rolls that they had been given that morning lying on the table. Thereiss nodded and excused himself leaving them to take seats at the table.

The others had already started to eat so they made their own bowls and ate in silence. This only lasted a few minutes.

"How's your arm feel?" Ajlen asked shoveling another spoon full of soup into his mouth.

"Sticky," Liam answered taking another bite of a roll.

"Thereiss said he would need a couple more treatments over the next few weeks," Vipin added, but she was looking at Oasid. "So, how long exactly are we staying here?"

"Until you've learned all you need to know," he answered unbothered.

"What exactly are we learning?" She demanded.

"I don't know," he responded calmly, setting down his spoon and lacing his fingers together placing his chin on them. "Veluthil and Thereiss are in charge in case you couldn't tell. They are the only ones that know the prophecy, I have been accompanying you because I brought you, because I know you. But starting tomorrow you will start your training in their hands, and I will be going back to Aurum. I have been gone too long as it is."

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