Chapter 14

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Vipin had pulled a cot next to Liam's before they crawled in to settle for the night. She tried to let his words comfort her, the void growing in her chest making it hard to fall asleep. Feeling like the more answers she got to her questions the less she knew herself. She fell asleep well after Liam, and she woke many times in the night. The anxiety of what was awaiting her the next day stirring her out of sleep once more.

Finally she decided to stay awake, looking up at the ceiling, her thoughts were quiet this morning, but the buzzing anticipation was threatening to rip her chest apart. She couldn't sit still any longer, sitting up she looked down at Liam who was still sound asleep. Laying on his back his left arm flung over his eyes, and the pressure in her chest reached its blowing point. She had to pass this trial, if she didn't, he would die, and she couldn't think of a worse responsibility. It was one thing to keep him safe from buglers and assassins, something to fight, but this was squarely on her shoulders, and she had no idea what it was going to take.

She threw the pelt off of her legs, and grabbed up her boots after pulling them on she left the room. They hadn't descended any stairs or left the tunnel from last night, so she thought it was safe to go back to the room with the ice ceiling. Maybe read a book, perhaps just pace around the room. Anything was better than sitting and doing nothing going crazy. 

She pulled one of the doors open walking inside, the sun was just starting to rise ribbons of colors lining their way up the sky, it would be calming except she wasn't alone. She stopped short, looking at the elf across the room from her. Ryland lifted his eyes from a book in his hands, almost looking bored, but upon seeing the half-elf a smug smile crossed his face. 

Vipin sighed but walked into the room anyway, she wouldn't let Ryland bother her. She had nothing else to do, and she didn't know the mountain well enough to go anywhere with confidence she would find her way back. She crouched in front of one of the bookshelves her eyes skimming over the books' spines trying to find one that might pique her interest. 

She heard the scuffling of Ryland's footsteps, but she refused to look over. Perhaps, if she was lucky, he was leaving. 

She wasn't.

"I hope you've made peace with your gods gorgeous," he started mockingly, standing right behind her. Gorgeous, still sounded like a slur falling off of his lips. "You'll need it."

Vipin scoffed, standing looking the elf in his grey eyes defiantly, "You aren't lucky enough to watch me die."

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see," he laughed walking over to another set of shelves.

"What is your problem," Vipin demanded angrily.

"My problem is that you shouldn't even exist," he said sharply, snapping closed a book in his hands.

"Well, I don't know how life starts for elves but in case you didn't notice I didn't have much of a choice in this!"

"No, I suppose it's your knave of a father's fault," Ryland shook his head with fake concern. "Doesn't make you less distasteful though."

"You know, I told Rheagon I would trust you," she hissed walking up to him. "Because he trusts you and I trust him. And Liam promised to keep you safe, because he respects and cares about Rheagon. But if you ever disrespect my father again..." she was almost toe to toe with him now, her eyes bright with anger, ear twitching. "I'll put you down like the dog you are."

Ryland laughed, "You can try gorgeous, but my body won't be the one to hit the ground."

"If you're so sure of yourself, why don't we find out right now," she snarled.

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