Night Out

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Ari pulled up outside a club she used to frequent when she was single and with family. "We're here!" excitedly she hops out of her jeep and rips Mano out of the car with her when she makes it over to the passenger's side. "Relax!" Mano exclaimed holding her back, but it was almost in vain as she made his feet drag. She was leading him holding tight onto his arm. She turns with a cute pout, "Oh c'mon! I wanna dance with you!" He shook his head violently hearing that, "Clubbing isn't exactly my idea of getting what's left of the fever out of my system Ari." He walks up to her that way no passerby could notice he was being dragged by her. "And you know I don't dance" he reminded her pinching her cheek, but not enough to where it hurts. Still, with her cute pout, she glares at him not caring she was being pinched, "Killjoy."

He scoffs, but smiles soon after, "You know I dance my best at home." He gives her a wink and walks passed her with a cocky smile. It took her a while to process, "Dance his best at h-" She immediately caught it, did a complete 180 ran towards him, and jumped onto his back holding onto him. Afraid she'd fall he grabs hold of her legs. "Okay! But I need you to dance more than just there ya know!" she said flustered while doing multiple light punches onto his back. "Ow ow ow I get it!" he acts as if he's actually in pain as he walks up to the club's door. Once they got inside she hopped off his back landing on the club floor. "Let's get tonight started!" she was really excited to be here with Mano. 

He really admired his partner as she was so joyful and full of life. That's when he realized he didn't really get to see how she came dressed. Thigh high black boots, and slightly see through black leggings cover the gap of skin that led to her black skirt and chunky pink sweater. She was really adorable in what she came to the club with and because Mano isn't used to the part scene all he came wearing was black shoes, pants, a heather button up, and a black coat which he may need to take off. "It's getting toasty in here" he comments as he takes his coat off. Ari waited patiently for Mano with a wide grin. He eyed her, "No. I am not dancing with ya. At least let me warm up to the idea alright?" She crossed her arms with a childish pout, "Fine!"

She made her way to the floor where everyone else was dancing as Mano went to the nearest counter where they were serving people. The music was loud in the dancing area while everyone else outside the dance floor was sitting at tables eating and socializing. Mano watched his love dance on the floor and just enjoy herself. He laughed a couple of times seeing her go as he enjoyed his drink. Then his eyes narrowed when a guy interrupted Ari's dancing and started socializing with her. "Guy you're flirting with the wrong girl..." however he stayed put just to see where this goes.

"Hey there" a guy that seems harmless speaks loud enough to get Ari's attention. "Hm?" thinking it was probably Mano she stopped, but disgust crossed her face when she realized it wasn't. "May I help you?" she asked crossing her arms and tapping her foot. "Oh I just wanted to ask if you wanted to dance" he reached out with a hand waiting expectedly for her to take it. She gets an idea and grins hiding her mischievous plot, "Sure! My man didn't want to dance as he wanted to warm up to it." She took his hand and started to dance with him. Mano crushed the plastic cup he had in his hand. Thankfully he drank all it's contents, so only ice spilled out of it from the pressure. "What the hell" he stood up and made his way to the dance floor.

Meanwhile, the guy is trying to make small talk with Ari, "Why didn't he want to dance with you?" She shrugged as she was making sure his hands weren't going anywhere it shouldn't, "He's not much of a dancer." He scoffs and makes a half smile, "Well you're one hell of a dancer. Guy doesn't know what he's missing out on." Hearing this stranger talk down about Mano irked her but she didn't want to show it yet. "He means well and i respect his decisions. Opposites attract ya know?" The guy's hand on her hip started moving a bit too far south and his hold on her other hand was becoming too firm, "Opposites sure do attract, i agree." She grinned now knowing his intentions. 

'So you're trying to be slick?' She thought to herself, she was twirled away then back to him, and made her move. STOMP! She stepped on his foot making him yelp, "Ow!" She acted stunned seeing him bend over to check on his foot, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry let me help you!" She snatched a half drunk from a cup off of a nearby table and dumped it on the guy's head. The guy jumped back up straight feeling the ice go down his back, "You bit-!" KICK! She planted her boot, which doubled as a steel toe, in between his legs. The man let out a high pitch squeal as he covered his crotch keeling over onto the ground in a fetal position. And conveniently enough that's when Mano shows up ready to rip into someone. 

Ari noticed him and was spooked, "Whoa there tiger. Where's the fire?" He had a scowl as he looked at her, "You were dancing with someone! Wh-" Before he could get too angry she pointed down where the guy was practically at Mano's feet. "Oh..." almost all his anger evaporated and he felt stupid as his face became expressionless. He looks back at Ari, but points at the guy, "What did I miss?" She giggles with a confident smile, "An ass whooping on someone trying to steal your girl." Mano just stares at her in disbelief. He shook his head with a laugh, "You're gonna get in serious trouble Ari if you keep this up." She lets out a loud quick burst of laughter, "Is it my fault for being born hot?" Their fun was interrupted when the guy sat up trying to regain his strength. 

Mano's mouth shut quickly as his pupils dilated watching. "You bit-" Mano didn't even let the guy finish what he was saying as he grabbed the man by the collar with both hands pulling him to his feet. "Finish your sentence" The man was in a moment of fear not expecting Mano or be pulled up like that. "Who are you?!" The man demanded trying to free himself from Mano. His grip however strengthened as he shook him violently, "Finish your sentence." He yelled in the guy's face as if he didn't hear him the first time. "I. Dare. You." Mano had this expression as if he was going to do something that he was going to regret. Ari found this really hot as she had never really seen him get like this but was also scared Mano was going to snap more than he already did.

The guy kept struggling, but when he saw Mano's dilated pupils and the aura of death he was emitting he shrunk in Mano's hold. "I won't say anything! Just let me go! I can't even move right yet!" Mano dropped him as the man sat on his butt still trying to regain his strength from the kick Ari gave him. Ari got closer to Mano wrapping her arms around him and pecking his cheek resting her head against his chest, "Cool off Mano-ton..." Mano's pupils went back to normal when he noticed Ari was hugging him. He smiled hugging her back as more dancers joined the dance floor as a new song came on. Ari let out a huge gasp, "No way!" She pulled away from the hug slightly but was still in his arms. She looked up at him expectedly, "Can we now dance please?!" Mano heard the song being played was 'Let Me Love You'. "Oh snap this do be a bop!" he acted as if he just forgot what happened earlier with the guy.

"Is that a yes?!" Ari is nearly hopping out of excitement. Mano laughs seeing how impatient she got, "Yes Aria, yes it is." She cheered like saw her favorite sports team score as she pulled him deeper into the dance floor. Once they were deep into he crowd of the people and what looked like the middle of the floor she takes one of his hands into hers and guides his other hand to her butt on purpose. "Ah!" he jumped as he fixed his hand to her hip. She laughed knowing she'd get a reaction out of him. "I just don't want you to stay mad. You had me worried back there," she explained looking up at him with a hand on his cheek. "Well yeah, but you're my duo, and seeing some random punk try to take that away from me? Of course, it won't sit with me" he rests against her hand and kisses it. She smiled as she rested that same hand on his shoulder, "I'm all yours mister, so you're gonna have to put up with me!" She gave him quite a wide smile to reassure him.

This night just strengthened his resolve in his loving Ari and yeah it actually did help him burn away what was left of the fever. Halfway through the song it pauses and the D.J. speaks into the microphone. "This song is dedicated to this couple!" as a spotlight flashes onto Mano and Ari dancing. They froze where they stood not understanding what was going on. "A couple of little birdies told us what y'all experienced earlier and that is not what our club is all about. We're here to have a good time! So, just for tonight, whatever y'all dine is on the house!" Mano and Ari were not expecting that in the slightest but they looked at each other with delight in their eyes. In sync, before the music was cut back on, almost as if they rehearsed it, they yelled out "THANK YOU!!!"

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