With Co-Workers Like These...

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It was the end of yet another work week, but not everyone was heading home right away since it was only a half day. They were going to be meeting with some coworkers to eat out at a pretty budget friendly place. Mano was the first to show. He went into the restaurant to reserve a table for their group. The server came over introducing themselves. She was oddly a little too friendly he felt, but he thought it was his imagination and maybe the job required the employee to act that way. Mano informed them they would need menus for the group. The server handed him one and brought a couple more for the group. "Thanks" he gave the server a soft smile as she smiled back nodding leaving him. 

He opened his menu to see a note stuck inside. "What the?" he ripped the page off the menu and his eyes widened when he saw the other side of the page. "I need to throw this away before Ari shows..." the page had the server's name and number on it. As he crumpled the paper up he heard, "Throw what away?" He jumped in his seat to see Ari had shown up. "OH! HEY!" he shoved the paper quickly between his legs scooting over for her to sit. She raised an eyebrow thinking he was acting odd but shrugs it off, "I hope you know sooner or later you're gonna have to explain your weird behavior." His worry increases knowing how she can get physical so he forces a laugh, "Remind me once we're out of here alright?" She looked at him out of the corner of her eye from her menu, "Fine Mister." He sighs relieved that he probably won't have Ari throwing down in the restaurant.

Eventually, two more coworkers that they were expecting showed up to complete the group. They each ordered their food from the server. Mano acted as he normally does, but the server kept up the over friendliness with him. Ari studied the server's interactions with Mano but ultimately kept quiet about it all. Once the server left Ari hit the table with her hand turning her body to Mano, "Hell was that?" Mayve snickered seeing how Ari got. Nidia simply shook her head wondering where this was heading. "I don't know Ari?! I said I'll explain AFTER" he pressed fearing she may lose it on the server. Ari just glared him down thinking about what she should do. Mayve busts out laughing, "Mano I recommend you do something about it before we have a telenovela on our hands." He sighed hearing what Mayve said. "She's right ya know. We're here to eat not have you swoon more ladies mister" Nidia chimed in nonchalantly. 

Now embarrassed Mano looks at Ari, "Ill take care of it." Ari huffs looking away but taps her fingers against the table. "Fine..." she caves and looks back at Mano with a softer expression. The server came back with their drinks. After everyone got theirs and before the server left again Mano spoke, "I apologize, but could we get a different table?" The server hesitated, but nodded "Y-yeah sure um..." Ari's patience was already thin but she bit her bottom lip to restrain from speaking. "Is there a problem?" Nidia looked up at the server with a blank stare expecting an answer. The server shook their head quickly, "None! I'll have another server come to change your table." And just like that a different server came and escorted them to a different table. Everyone took their seat again and Ari, happily, started enjoying her drink.

Mayve grinned studying Mano and Ari. She was plotting to say something but was trying to find the words for it. Mano noticed Mayves mischievous demeanor questioning her, "What's with you?" Mayve shrugs taking the chance Mano gave her, "Just wondering when's the wedding." Mano coughs violently not expecting Mayve to say that. He choked on the melting ice from his cup, "W-what?!" Ari blushed greatly hiding her face by looking down and focusing on drinking her cup. Mayve grin grew to a joker style smile, "I don't see Ari freaking out." Ari glanced over at Mano but was too nervous to make eye contact, "I do want to be Mrs.Sheraton..." Nidia didn't expect that response, but she was smiling looking at Mano to see how he'd take it. Mano's neck snapped almost inhumanly to focus his attention on Ari, "YOU'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS?! SINCE WHEN?!" 

Ari gave him a pouty puppy dog face finally meeting his eyes, "Uwu, Daddy Mano makes me want to put a ring on it." That was the most cringiest thing he has ever heard Ari say ever and finally understood he fell for it as all three women broke out laughing. His freak out expression fell emotionless not knowing how to process what just happened. They were all nearly in tears, by the time the server came with everyone's food. He finally spoke when everyone regained their composure ready to eat, "How do you all do that..." Mayve shrugged nonchalantly, "We're women and you're still naive kiddo." Mano growled towards Mayve as Ari pinched his cheek, "Aw don't be mad." She leaned into his ear and whispered something quite suggestive to him.

Now it was Mano's turn to smack the table. He was as red as an apple when he faced her, "Behave yourself! We're in front of our coworkers!" Nidia chuckled hearing Mano say that, "We're just friends out here Mano. No need to be so careful about your relationship." He looked over at Nidia and shook his head, "I'm trying to live without Ari filling my head with mental pictures!" Ari said in a very soft voice that only he could hear, "What mental pictures... You've experienced it..." He reaches into his pocket pulling out his earbuds, "Say one more thing and I'm gonna put these in!" Ari rolls her eyes cause she knows she'll have her way sooner or later, "Whatever. Eat"

They have now left the restaurant and Mano took this opportunity to take Ari to the side. He did tell her how he'd inform her on the server that gave him her contact info. Ari of course took it in a different direction, "Love, as much as I want those lips. I don't want to give Nidia and Mayve a show." He groans as he should be used to this by now, so ignoring that the best he can he starts, "So you wanted to know why I was acting strange when you showed up right?" Ari now taking this seriously stood straight with a raised brow waiting for him to continue. He took the note out and handed it to Ari. She opened the crumbled up piece of paper seeing the contact info. Without even a reaction she was about to stomp her way back into the restaurant. Mano grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her back. Gently he pinned her back against the outside of the restaurant's wall, "Stop Ari. As attractive as it is to see you in action sometimes we can let things slide." 

She was glaring up at him and then at the front doors of the restaurant, "At least let me report it to the manager! Who knows if they have done it with anyone else?!" Mano sighed when he heard, "Oh ho ho am I interrupting something?" He turned his attention to see Mayve watching them. Mano released Ari and turned to face Mayve, "Where's Nidia?" She gestured towards the restaurant, "Reporting that first server's behavior. She said something about how she treated you differently from us. Different as in she was acting in a way more than what is expected of her." A shout of joy came from Mano's side. Ari was cheering, "Nidias the best!" 

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